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Move Away ; The Killers


Sunday was my only day off from work and I planned on watching Keeping Up With the Kardashian's all day but you'll never guess who forced me out of my apartment again.

I was informed that we were going to do yoga in the park which caught me off guard because Matty did not look like the yoga type but you learn new things everyday.

Matty showed up wearing athletic shorts and a baggy t-shirt, which made him look like a new person. I didn't even think he owned anything except black skinny jeans.

"You really thought out of the box for this." I giggled while carefully closing the door behind me. Michelle was still sleeping and waking her up would be like waking up Satan.

"I've never done yoga before so this should be interesting." He replied and held out his hand for me to take, "May I?"

walked hand in hand to the park down the street and joined the other few people stretching on yoga matts. Matty and I were just a little late so we tried to go unnoticed in the back. Everyone there were middle aged moms so Matty and I stuck out a bit, and also there was the fact that we had no idea what to do.

There was weird Zen music playing and the instructor started the class, which ended up not being so bad.

"Barbie your ass looks really great in those pants." Matty whispered from behind me and the women next to me turned around to give Matty a dirty look.

"Matty!" I gasped and moved into the tree pose while Matty snickered then lost his balance and fell over. He deserved it.

Matty continued to make jokes throughout and interrupted everyone, the instructor threatened to kick us out and even then did Matty not stop talking. I wonder what he was like in school when he really had to keep his mouth shut.

Matty had insisted on taking me to get coffee, so we went to the place he goes every day. It was completely empty when we walked in, which is probably why Matty liked coming here so often.

"How've you been?" He spoke and took the top off his coffee to cool it down faster.

"Pretty good, I've been spending a lot of time with this guy who fought me for some toothpaste." I laughed. It was kind of a stupid way for the two of us to meet, but I'm glad he scammed me into going out with him.

"Sounds like a fun guy." Matty chuckled, amusing himself. "I hear he's also a skilled magician."

"I wouldn't say skilled." I giggled but Matty didn't crack a smile. The only thing he takes seriously is his magic tricks, and from what I have seen he's not so good. Although he never told me how he managed to get that cigarette in the toothpaste box but that's a question for another day.

"Really? Well how about you see another magic trick?" Matty furrowed his eyebrows and I got scared. He snapped his fingers and a card appeared out of thin air. "Bet you didn't expect that."

"Bravo, Matty, bravo." I paused to clap." Do you have other cards with you?" I asked, suspicious of where that card came from.

"Yup, right here." He pulled up his shirt to reveal a deck of cards in the waistband of his pants. Did he do yoga with a deck of cards in his pants?

"Have any other tricks?"

"No, I'll google more another time, Barbie." Matty laughed. He thought he was so funny and original for calling me Barbie, but he probably just forgot my real name.

"Is all you do write books and do magic tricks?" I asked. Matty and I never really had a "getting to know you" moment and we don't have much to talk about.

"No, I like music very much and I go to the music shop the street a lot. I'm pretty close friends with everyone who works there." Matty shrugged but I was clueless about what he was talking about.

"Since when was there a music shop in this town?"

"Since always! It's my favorite place in the entire world, ohmigod Barbs."

And with Matty's excitement, we went to the music store.

It was almost exactly how I expected, the place smelt like dust and there were records and CDs everywhere. It was like a more official looking Urban Outfitters, minus all the clothes.

"Wuzzup, Matt." The guy behind the counter greeted as we walked through the door. Matty waved in response. 

"How do you feel about The Clash?" Matty asked me, holding up some record with a guy smashing a guitar on the cover.

"Never heard of them." I blankly stated and Matty gave me a look of disgust. I didn't know too much about old bands, or any band for that matter. The most punk I listened to was Avril Lavigne but I don't think that's what Matty's talking about.

"blink-182?" He asked with a hopeful look on his face while he help up another record.

"I've blinked more than one hundred and eighty two times today."

"No, it's pronounced 'one eighty two,' you dumbshit." He scoffed. I stared blankly at him waiting for him to say a band that I know. "What about The Strokes?"

I shook my head, "I stroke my cat."

"Stone Temple Pilots?"

"Are you making up these weird ass names?" I've never heard of any bands he was talking about, which made me look dumb compared to every other person in this store. 

"Do you know any real music?" Matty shook his head, unimpressed by my knowledge of music.

"Define real music."

"Real music is good music. Like my taste for example." Matty bragged. I didn't really know what he was talking about. I never took music seriously, I worked in a guitar shop so you think I would be into all that alternative music but really I don't know a thing about it. I usually only listened to whatever was on the radio or what Michelle was playing at home. Both of those involved a lot of Taylor Swift. I never took music seriously, it's always just been background noise for me.

"So if it's alright with you I'm going to make you listen to a lot of music until you're listening holes are fried." Matty said. His hands were full of records and he rejected my offer to help because he wanted all the love for himself. Matty clearly got very excited whenever he got to talk about music, and I was sort of jealous because I didn't have a passion for anything like that.


Matty's roommate George was smoking like the last time I saw him. He didn't greet us or anything when we walked in and Matty didn't say anything to him either. From what I could tell, George wasn't a really friendly guy.

I felt bad when Matty told me him and George don't get along well, I guess it's like living with a sibling for him but worse.

"We're starting with The Kooks." Marty pulled out a CD from the bag and shoved it in. "This is my favorite band, this song is called Seaside, my absolute favorite."

"Turn that down, Matty!" George shouted from the other room.

"Georgie, this is my favorite band, dammit!" Matty screamed back and turned the music up.


i have no excuse for how weird this was

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