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uh badlands


The next few days went the same as the last. Matty and I walked around town and got chicken fries, I went to work and Matty visited me a few times. Adam got more pissed at me than usual because Matty kept disturbing whatever was going on, but it's not like there was much happening.

Business has been slow, our sales went down this month and Adam blamed it all on me because I don't work well, which is completely not my fault. He knows I'm not a committed person and he could have fired me a long time ago but he chose to keep me.

I had made it home from work late afternoon to find Michelle on the couch alone watching Keeping Up With the Kardashian's. Ross wasn't with her, which wasn't usual.

"Wuzzgood Shelly bean?" I slammed the door behind me, making Michelle jump off the couch.

"Wanna go shopping?" She replied, pushing a few strands of hair out of her face. She had a white streak running through the front of her hair, which were completely natural and looked so badass. But by the time she's eighty then all her hair will be that color but for now it's cool.

"I'm broke." I simply stated, sticking my hands in my pockets to check if I had any money. I didn't.

I've been using my money from work to pay for half the rent, Michelle pays for the other half. I've also been saving some of it to hopefully get an apartment by myself. I love living with Michelle, I just want to be on my own at some point.

"I'll buy you whatever you want." Michelle answered, but it came out more of a question. It was clear that Michelle was willing to do anything to hang out with me for the rest of the day, the two of us haven't really had any time with each other recently.

"You're broke too."

"Well then let's go shoplifting."

"No thanks kid, that's illegal." I pointed out. I've never done anything illegal, and I don't think I really want to.

"Thanks Captain Obvious, but I think we need to break the law, ya know, for fun. Just this one time?"

"No thanks." I shook my head. Her shoplifting idea did have an appeal to me, everyone secretly had a run and go or somethin on their bucket list but I'll wait to cross that off another day.

"Well then I'll go by myself." Michelle huffed, grabbing her coat off the chair and wrapping it around her shoulders.

"Wait! Now I want to come." I gave in. What the hell.

I didn't bother bringing my purse or anything because I won't need my wallet.


Michelle had successfully grabbed a few shirts and shoved them in her coat without being caught, but I couldn't bring myself to take anything. I was nervous about doing this, I was scared of jail and people in jail and people who worked in jail. I just decided to be Michelle's sidekick for this adventure.

"So now that we're on a girly shopping pow wow, I wanna talk about some girly pow wow stuff." Michelle said while trying to keep some clothes tucked inside her coat. I was holding some of her items for her because she was running out of room, but if we got caught I would blame it all on her.

"And what is that?" I already knew she was going to bring up Ross or Matty.

I haven't told her much about Matty, but there isn't much to say. I like him a lot more than a should but other than that I'm out of words.

"So Ross told me he loves me," Michelle squealed, "And then I broke up with him." She shrugged at the last sentence. I looked at her in shock, because that was one of the worst break up reasons I've ever head. Next to when I broke up with that guy in freshmen year because he forgot it was Valentine's Day and didn't get me anything. "I didn't live him back so I decided I should just end it like I've ended my other thirty three relationships."

Michelle has been in thirty three relationships, but she went on and off with this guy eleven times but she counted those separately.

"Poor guy. Out of all your other boyfriends he was my favorite." I didn't really know what to say. I felt bad for her, because I know she really liked him too, but I don't think she really knows how to control her feelings.

"Anyway, I don't know anything about this guy you're seeing, fill me in per favor." Michelle changed the subject.

"Well his name is Matty and he writes books but none of them have been published yet. He also claims to be a part time magician but he sucks." I giggled. I didn't know how I felt about Matty, I definitely liked him (a lot) but I didn't know if I should tell him how I felt. We've been seeing each other for about a month now and I've been waiting for him to make the move and step it up to the dating label but it hasn't happened so far.

"Yeah, I know about the magician thing. I saw one of his card tricks that one time. Then you guys started kissing and I never got to see the end." Michelle laughed and my cheeks heated up with embarrassment. "But you guys are cute."

"Thanks." I huffed. "Matty's cool."



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