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Outshined ; Soundgarden


"Barbie! I need you to come over right now, I need you to be my assistant for my new magic trick!" Matty screamed a little too energetically through the phone. It was nearly 6am, way too early for phone calls and magic tricks.

"Make George do it." I growled back. My eyes were half open and I could barely process what was going on but I sure wasn't getting out of bed to be Matty's guinea pig.

"Come over, please baby I need you." Matty begged and my body became full alert at the word baby. Sure Matty and I were a little more than friends but I didn't think we were at the baby level.

"Did you just call me baby?"

"What? No, I called you Barbie." Matty tried to cover up his words but he had failed. Barbie and baby do sound alike though, I will give him that.

"You called me baby."

"Nope, I called you Barbie for sure."

"You called be baby."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Admit that you called me baby and I'll come over." I finally caved in. I have work today but I still have a few hours until I had to be there and whatever Matty was going to make me do shouldn't take too long, hopefully.

Matty gasped through the phone, "I called you baby! I called you baby! Baby baby baby! Baby come over I need to use you for my magic trick."


I brushed my teeth with the same Colgate toothpaste I fought Matty for and changed out of my pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a sweater. It was getting colder being close to November which was my least favorite month. November is the awkward space between Halloween and Christmas and the weather is always a little too funky for my liking.

I said goodbye to my best friend John and I left Michelle sleeping in her room while I made my way to Matty's apartment across the street.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked once Matty let me in the apartment. It smelled different since George wasn't smoking something.

"I'm going to saw you in half." Matty grinned and I gave him a terrified look. He might be pretty alright with card tricks but I'm not sure he's skilled enough to cut someone in half and put them back together successfully.

"Can I go home instead?" I replied. 

"I'm just kidding, Barbs. I made you come here so you could make me pancakes." Matty laughed.

"Make them yourself." I countered, which made Matty's face drop a little.

"I don't want to, that's why I asked you to come here and do it for me." Matty replied. I thought coming over here would end in something cool, like making a bunny come out of a hat or something. Now I really regret getting out of bed.

"Why could't George make you pancakes?" I asked. Matty had George living with him, and between the two of them I'm sure they could have figured out how to make pancakes.

"Because he's sleeping right and he gets really mean if you wake him up. Even though he's mean all the time." 

"Yeah, me too." I sighed, "I'm going home now." I turned on my heels and faced the door again, but Matty grabbed my wrist before I could leave. I'd rather go home and sleep again instead of make pancakes.

"No! Please make me pancakes, pretty please, Barbie." Matty begged.

"Ugh, Matty. I'll make you pancakes if you get me some more toothpaste." I needed some more toothpaste for John, his teeth may not be human but they deserve to be treated like everyone else's. (a/n: do not use human toothpaste for your cat. or any animal.)

"Deal." Matty grinned and kissed my cheek. He was always very touchy but I liked it.

I made some pretty fire pancakes, I must say. When George woke up he ate my amazeballs pancakes even though he didn't deserve them. 

George looked really hot in the morning though, and his voice was really raspy. If this thing doesn't work out with Matty I know who I'm hitting up next.

"I hate to leave this breakfast party but I have to go to work now." I said while standing up from the table and putting my jacket on. I was already five minutes late but I had a short walk so I wouldn't end up being too late. Adam might yell at me but that's the worst that could happen.

"Let me walk you." Matty wiped some syrup off the corner of his mouth and stood up as well. "See ya in a few, George." He waved goodbye to George and he grunted in response. For the few days I've known George, he seems to be a man of little words. But when he does speak it'd pretty hot.

Matty grabbed my hand like he always does and opened the door for me. His palms always got really sweaty but mine probably were as sweaty so I shouldn't really think about it that much. I hate to admit that I had feelings for Matty, and if you told me that the boy I fought with in CVS would be the boy I was really falling for I wouldn't believe you. Sure Matty is a little weird with his magic tricks but I dig it, he's cool.


short update i just wanted to throw somethin out there

and someone give me music recommendations plz

TOOTHPASTE//MATTY HEALYWhere stories live. Discover now