Minsung Part 2

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Han woke up giggling from the ticklish feeling of Minho's kisses he looked at Minho and tried talking but couldn't form any actual words. He wasn't in baby space anymore he was just in a younger state of mind. Minho got him up and took him into the bathroom and set him on the counter and washed his face and gave him his toothbrush. Han tried to start brushing but every time he did he would end up getting the tooth paste all over is face. Minho cooed at the sight of his little baby and helped him brush his teeth and placed a small kiss on his lips. He freshened up and carried Han down the stairs. He was met with all the members who apologized for their behavior and he forgave them but not with out any consequences. " Baby what should the other members do for you to make up for it.". Han looked up to whisper into Minho's ears and tried his best to make out any words. " Ahhhhh so that's what my baby wants?". "Baby go ahead and tell them what they have to do for you.". " h-h-hannie wan go shopping." Everyone cooed at the sight of the little and all agreed to take him shopping for the entire day as a group. Lee know set Han down on Seungmins lap as he went to go make Han's breakfast. When Han was in his little space he always had a glass of milk with two boiled eggs and a slice of toast.( A/N i know the combo is weird just bare with it plz). " Who do you want to feed you hannie." Seungmin asked loudly so everyone could hear. " Hannie wants channie to feed him." " HA see idiots he loves me more.". Tears swelled up in Hans big Doe eyes when he stuttered out. " T-t-they are not iwiots." He let out small sniffles when he burried his face in Seungmins chest. Han had always been and very emotional little he couldn't stand see his friends get hurt whether Big or small. He just reacted with more emotions when he was little. Chan rushed over to Han ans picked him up " Aww my little baby i didn't want to be mean to them it was just a joke." just then Hyunjin and Changbin started fake crying " Han he is so mean to us". " Yeah he called us idiots we are so hurt". Han started crying loudly hearing what Hyunjin and Changbin had just said and Chan shot daggers at them with his eyes. Han wiggled to get out of Chans embrace and waddled over to Felix and sat on his lap. Felix rubbed his back and told him that they were just joking and Chans didn't hurt them. Han looked over to the duo who had their heads down laughing at what chaos they had just started. " Channie dint hwurt you guy?''. " No baby we were joking chan hyung didn't hurt us''. Han calmed down and was picked up by Chan so he could feed him. Everyone settled down to eat their breakfast as a " calm and peaceful" family. In the middle Han started to play with his food to which Minho warned him to stop and being the good he is he stopped. Changbin had saw what happened at said " Woah hannie's such a good baby it takes us a billion times to get I.N to listen to us when hes little". Jeongin who wasn't a little anymore looked at changbin with eyes that could kill. " well I.N is he really wrong tho?" asked Chan. Jeongin's Jaw dropped and he covered his mouth with his hand and tried to look as offended as he could. Hyunjin put a hand on his shoulder and said " I've taught you well." while wiping fake tears. " yeah yeah shut up drama queens and eat your food." 


After checking to see if Hans fever had gone away everyone got ready and pilled into the car to go shopping with their little baby. On the car ride there Han had fallen asleep in Felix lap and Seungmin was playing with his hair and both looked so happy to be with the little. However his Boyfriend didn't seem so happy. " lee know calm down man no ones stealing ur mans." Lee knows response was rolling his eyes and looking out the window with occasional glances at the two with his beloved boyfriend. Once they had reached the place they shopped for hours ate food together and the best part for Minho was Han only clung to him if anyone tried holding is hand he would politely refuse and go back to holding Minho and pecking his lips ever so often.

THE END yall this is my first story i really hope yall like this again im not a pro at writing so please bare with me with punctuation. Again rules about this book the only ships i will right is Minsung. Jeongchan, Changlix, and Hyunseung. Maybe Hyunlix but i understand not everyone likes them but in MY opinion those are the superior ships. Also this means no hate to skz I Love them with all my heart i adore them and don't mean anything bad. This is purely and fanfic and my imagination. Another thing is at the end of each part thingy imma write smth like this to update yall even tho yall prob dont care so feel free to skip. Anyways Five star is bomb i love every song es Superbowl. Anyways hope you have a good day people. please also feel free to cringe at this. I might right smut........... ill see maybe light in some cases and maybe more? For the people who like it. ok bye bye  

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