Minchan littles ( ft HAN)

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Yo so ik this isnt my usual type of writing and just so yall know in this story minho and Chan arent dating Chan is just his primary caregiver and this oneshot is inspired by Softbinnie one of their oneshots i really liked it but wanted to make it my own with a twist so yall are in for a ride. Also I like revenge so yeah it might me sorta long

Minho was a little and Chan was his primary care giver considering he was the only one older than Minho so all the members thought it was suitable for Chan to take the job, however they all did take the secondary position.

Chan, Minho, Changbin  were in the dance practice room practicing the choreography for their upcoming performance, and Minho had been messing up quite a bit which wasn't like him at all. Despite Minho always practicing fine Chan had gotten pissed at him for messing up the same moves over and over. "Lee know it really isnt that hard what up with you today Changbin restart the music and lee know do better now." " I'm sorry" Minho responded feebly as his mind clouded with thoughts of slipping and focusing on the dance. " I don't want your stupid apology just do the dance right." Chan spat at the younger clearly mad and annoyed at everything and everyone around him. The Changbin looked at Lee know in worry but decided on not saying anything.  Changbin started up the music again but this time instead of Minho messing up he fell on his foot and cracked it . " LEE FUCKING MINHO WHY CAN'T YOU GET THE SIMPLEST OF DANCES  YOU ARE BEING SO USELESS RIGHT NOW RIGHT WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS!".  While the Changbin rushed to Minhos side the check his foot Chan stood there angry at his member. Minho got up limping and harshly wiping tears off his cheeks and spat " Da-Chan is the biggest meanie ever." While running out of the room, and although it wasn't much of an insult it hit Chans heart like a bullet. " SHIT I FORGOT HE COULD SLIP". Chan said as he tried grabbing his things to go after the younger. " Forget going after him Chan you cursed at him, called him useless, said his apology was useless, ignored his foot cracking when he fell, and I don't know if you noticed he didn't call you daddy like he usually does he called you Chan not even channie like he usually does when he is mad at you everyone knows that he's not gonna talk to you." Changbin spat at Chan annoyed at his leader for treating the little like that. Chan knew he fucked up, but he knew what changbin had said wasn't wrong a decided not to push it.

Lee know had reached the dorms after one of his managers found him crying for Han and instantly knew him and Chan had fought and picked him up to go drop him at their dorm. Lee know opened the door and made his way to to Hans room while limping and opened the door and shut it before sitting down no longer being able to walk from the pain in his foot and started sobbing. " Chan is da biggest mweanie ever.. he doent love minnie anymwore." Han instantly got up and rushed to Minho picking him up gently to set him on the bed, but as he tried to put Minho down he clung to Han like his life depended on it. " Minnie baby will you tell hannie what's wrong." Han spoke softly as he sat down on the bed with Minho in his lap. Minho chocked on his sobs but managed to start speaking. " Minnie wasnt pwacticing well a-and Chan cwussed at Minnie and t-t-told Minnie he was u-useless M-minnie only want y-y-you to b-be my daddy n-now C-chan doent l-l-ove M-m-mine anym-more, a-and my fwoot cwacked b-but Cha-n dwidnt care." Han felt his blood boil at what Minho was saying. He couldn't believe what Chan did but Minho ,and he definitely didn't miss how Minho called him Chan , but he looked so shaken Han decided to tend to him and his foot and deal with Chan later. When Han looked at his foot it was definitely sprained because how swollen and purple it had turned. He picked up his phone trying not to move to much to not wake the sleeping little in his lap to call the company doctor.  

Hi people sorry for making Chan the bad guy again but I had too sorry. I hope you liked the story if your reading PLEASE COMMENT ideas im kinda out i have another Minsung idea but its long it fluff and smut bc it multiple parts so thats gonna take time to come out so if you have any other ideas comment them i have part two of this Minchan ff in the making good bye now

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