Hyunseung (FLUFF)

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Hyunjin and Seungmin had been together for 5 years and their relationship was going strong. Like every couple they had arguments but they worked it out. Hyunjin was always gone on tours as being a world renowned rapper came with it, but Seungmin always supported him with everything he did. Hyunjin had been gone for about 4 months now always traveling and having concerts and Seungmin was left yearning to be in his boyfriends embrace again. Hyunjin was never such a person to love skinship and  Seungmin respected that , although sometimes he wished to have it. 


Hyunjin had felt guilty for being gone so long and decided on surprising his boyfriend by telling him he had one concert left while in reality he didn't, and he did that so he could surprise him with a day full of fun in hopes of being forgiven. Its not that Seungmin was mad at him and he knew that he was doing solely for the purpose of making seungmin happy and for him to know that Hyunjin always had time for him.


Hyunjin had just got off the plane and went to the venue he had rented out for him and Seungmin too go set everything up. Hyunjin had bought flowers, champagne, chocolate, and he also bought an engagement ring. He set everything up, and went over to Felixs to get ready without Seungmin finding out. Once he reached he got out of his car and rung the door bell and Chan opened the door. ''hey Chan Hyung what are you doing here." 'Oh Felix let us in on our plan so we all except Seungmin obv got here to help our little Hyunjinnie Propose." " Thank you Hyung but can you move so I can come inside." Chan and Hyunjin walked up and stairs and entered his room. Lee know handed him a suit to get dressed into and after he did he was pulled down into a chair my Jeongin. " Ah see this is my specialty I am going to do your hair." Just then Hyunjin got a call from seungmin and before picking up he told everyone out or the frame and he told jeongin. " I'm not going to show your face so just pretend that your my hairstylist.''. He picked up the call and they talked for a good twenty minutes before Hyunjin hung up saying he had to practice. A part of the plan was to have Changbin call Seungmin and tell him that the seven of them were going out to get his mind off of Hyunjin and he bought it. Hyunjin finished getting ready and so did the other six. The six set off to Seungmins house while Hyunjin went in his own car to get to the venue before them.


Hyunjin had reached the venue and had parked far enough that Seungmin wouldn't question to why their was another car in the venue. He hid behind the THICKEST tree he could find and waited there practicing his lines. He heard the car pull up and soon heard faint laughter. He stood there waiting for them to get seated and order their food. He was close enough to hear their conversation and heard seungmin saying " I really wish Jinnie was here." Hyunjin felt a hundred emotions at once happiness, sadness, pride, because his boyfriend had still thought of him even while out with his friends. The waiter soon arrived at the table and took their orders and changbin had ordered quite a lot and seungmin questioned it. " Changbin why are you ordering so much, that's enough for 2 people?" Little did he know it was for two people. " Also why is there an extra seat?" "Seungmin you're worrying too much." Chan Hyungs tone was sharp yet calming which did settle Seungmin down. After a while Hyunjin knew it was time to surprise Seungmin and he slowly walked behind him and once he did he set his hands of Seungmin's shoulders. Seungmin slowly turned around thinking it was the waiter, but when he saw Hyunjin he jumped from his seat and shouted. "JINNIE!". He wrapped his arms around Hyunjin and soon enough Hyunjin heard choked sobs coming from the smaller boy. " Aww baby don't cry it's fine I'm here, but that didn't stop Seungmin from crying he just cried harder. After a few minutes of rubbing Seungmins back he calmed down and bombarded Hyunjin with questions. " When did you get here?" " How long have you been back?". " Relax baby I just got back today." " HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO RELAX!" " Language Seungmin." " Sorry Hyung.". The waiter arrived with the food and they all ate laughing and talking together. Seungmin refused to stop holding Hyunjin's arm the entire time to which all the others laughed at and teased him for it. " Aww look Minnie is being such a simp for Hyunjin." Seungmins face turned bright red and tried to hide his face in Hyunjin's chest to which Hyunjin showered him in kisses. " YAH get a room." " Minho Hyung your just jealous you're single." " Yah Hyunjin he ain't single." " WOAH Jisungs protective.". Everyone shared a good laugh and continued eating and after everyone was finished they continued the plan and all except for Hyunjin and Seungmin said they had another surprise to go get. They all scurried off to go set it up and left the two love birds there. " Minnie I have a question." " Sure baby go ahead." Before Seungmin knew it Hyunjin was on one knee, and he started talking. " Seungmin you are the love of my life the light of my life you are my everything. Since we met 5 years ago you stayed by my side and always supported me with what i did. You loved me endlessly, and so do I. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me and now I want to ask you." "Will you marry me?" " OMG Y-YES I WILL." Seungmin was sobbing hard and Hyunjin was tearing up. Hyunjin stood up and slid the ring on his finger, and smashed their lips together. The kiss was full of everlasting love and when they pulled apart Hyunjin said. " There is more baby. " Oh my god I don't deserve you at all." Said seungmin still crying. " NO you deserve me more than anyone in the world." Hyunjin picked seungmin up BrIdAl StYlE and walked over to the party the others had set up. That night was the most memorable thing of all of them and it ended with Laughter and love in the air. 

HIIIIIII Idk why it took me so long to update. COUGH COUGH I got my computer taken away. So sorry but i might make a part two for this so if you want part two please comment. And im prob not gonna get comments but thats ok so yall will get it anyways. Anyways next chapter is minsung fluff bc im craving it and i cant find one that fulfills my thirstness for minsung fluff so imma write one myself. IT GONNA BE A CRINGE AMOUNT OF FLUFF. Anyways have a good night or day.

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