Jeongchan school love

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Jeongin was a 19 year old college kid who was studying music arts he had a couple of friends in the same year as him who were Han jisung who was 19, Lee Felix who was 19, Kim seungmin who was also 19. All of them except jeongin had Boyfriends who were a year above them. Lee Minho who was Jisungs other half, Seo changbin who was Felix's other half and Hwang Hyunjin who was Kim Seungmin's other half. However They had another friend he was a year above them and was friends with Minho, Hyunjin, and Changbin. His name was Bangchan, and with Jeongin not having a boyfriend he was crushing on Chan with all his heart. His big doe eyes his perfect cheekbones, heart shaped lips, Muscular body. His kind, loving, warm personality was all the more reason to fall in love. However unlike others Jeongin didn't try to hide his love, but he also didn't make it obvious. He flirted with Chan in subtle ways just enough for his cheeks to flush rosy pink and his heart to skip a beat. He occasionally left love letter in Chans locker because he loved the way Chans ears went red and his eyes pondered around in hopes of finding his secret admirer. Jeongin and all his friends were all behaved loved by every student and all teachers. Hans 's father was the principle so every once in a while when they happened to get in trouble they were let off. All 8 of the boys families were close and they all joked about Chan and jeongin getting together, but little did they know they both yearned for it. To be in the embrace of each other. To love one another.

 Jeongins POV

I woke up and glanced at the clock "YES!" I woke up early enough to write Chan a letter after getting ready. I pulled on a pair of white jeans with a purple and white sweater I added a gold chain that read baby boy and paired it with my lavender headphones and a pair of purple and white Jordans. I sat at my desk and wrote Chan a letter. ( I SUCK AT WRITING LOVE LETTERS SO IMAGINE SMTH) and at the end I said you'll find out who I am on Friday. I wasn't scared of rejection i understand that even if you love someone they don't have to love you back and its ok. Or in other word's I am a confident Gay. I sealed the note put it into my bag and walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. " Good morning Eomma'' "Morning honey" just then my dad walked out of his room " Morning appa" " morning jeongin." Both my parents knew about me being gay and they supported it and ever since they found out they have been wanting me to find a boyfriend and the only person they want for me is Chan. If only they knew he is also the only person I want for myself too. I the my breakfast and my dad dropped me off to school. I walked inside and instantly saw Minho and Chan, however they didn't see me and I decided to be a brat and scare them, but before i could Minho turned around and was about to yell my name when i mouthed. SHUT UP IM TRYNA SCARE CHAN! he nodded and I slowly walked up and Jumped onto Chans back and screamed " GOOD MORNING HONEYY!" He turned around fast and I accidently let go and fell on my butt on the ground. " OMG jeongin". " Are you ok?" "NO THAT HURT LIKE SHIT" " Language jeongin" "Sorry channie". " AY you Meanhoe stop laughing." Minho was busy laughing at what had just unfolded in front of him. " S-s-sorry you both are just such big idiots.

TIME SKIP 6 CLASS No ones pov

The teacher was Assigning partners for the assignment and even though Jeongin was a year below Chan he was smart enough that he was put in almost all the same classes. " and for the last pair of partners Chan and Jeongin you two will be together." As soon as the teacher finished the bell rand signaling the end of school. " You know Chan Hyung" "hm?' " Why don't you just come over to my house right now and we can start working on the project." "Are you sure I dont want your parents to get mad." " Please Chan they love you, You know that my mom want you you be her son in law." " Hahah Ok fine I just have to stop by my locker to grab the rest of my stuff." " ok" As they walked to Chans locker they joked about random stuff and all the student in the hall way awed at them, because they entire school shipped them because they did everything together and how much jeongin flirted with him. Chan opened his locker and the note jeongin left in his locker earlier that day fell out and Jeongin picked it up and gave it to him acting oblivious and asked Chan. " What is that?" " Its a letter from my secret admirer and They say they will tell me who it is in three days." "OH ok" "I really hope its a boy though." " why Hyung?" " Jeongin I'm Gay." " WAIT YOU ARE." " Mhm" " oh ok." Jeongins hope in Chan liking him back increased by 100% and Jeongin hoped Chan couldn't see the blush that had just crept on his cheeks.

Time skip at Jeongins house. 

Jeongin rung the door bell and when his mother opened the door and she saw Chan her eyes lit up and she instantly pulled him into her embrace. " Omg Chan how have you been?" " I've been good Mrs. Yang" " Oh Chan how many times have i told you just call me Eomma." she joked as she hit his arm playfully " ok Eomma.'' was all Chan said before the two broke out in a fit of laughter "Eomma me and Chan have a project to do so we will be in our room." " Ok also in about twenty minutes I'm Leaving Me and your dad have to go to a party." "Alright Eomma have fun" The two walked up the stairs into Jeongins room, both boys collapsed onto the bed. " Holy today was exhausting'' " I know but we have to get started on the project Innie." " UGH ok"

Chan POV

God the things this boy does to me. He perfect cheeks his kissable lips he honey colored eyes that were so easy to get lost in. He makes me insane. The way he walks so elegantly. The way he captivates me with a single wink leaving me yearning for more. "umm Chans you good." " oh um yeah I'm fine" " You sure?" " Yeah sorry" " Don't be its fine I know its easy to get lost in my beauty." said jeongin as he flipped his fake long hair. " Oh no you've hung out too much with Hyunjin." Chan said while rubbing his temples " OMG the audacity"

Time skip half way through the project Jeongins POV

Holy how can he looked so hot while just concentrating. " hey jeongin lets take a break we really deserve it'' " I know" they both stood up and thats when jeongin said " FUCK IT" " Chan can i kiss you." " W-what?" " YES OR NO" " yes you CA..". Chan was cut of by Jeongin smashing his lips on Chan's. Every touch was fire their lips molded together as if they were meant to be. When they pulled out as in sync the kiss was they both said " I LOVE YOU''

" And thats how me and Chan started dating" explained Jeongin all eight had gotten back for a reunion after 3 years. Minsung was now married, Changlix was engaged along with Hyunseung and they all were one happy family.

Hello people my second story complete i finshed two in one day im so proud. Anyways hope you liked it the ending was a little rushed bc I have to go somewhere but I think it worked out well enough I didn't wanna leave it incomplete so I came up with the best quickest endnig i could think of i hope it makes enough sense anyways have a good day. I think Next chapter will be Changlix SMUTTTTTTT Top Binnie an bottom Lixie hhehehe.

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