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lower case intended, and there will most likely be a lot punctuational errors so please don't come at me for it.

"OMG! WHY CANT YOU GUYS JUST GET THE DANCE RIGHT ITS REALLY NOT THAT HARD" minho yelled. The members were really starting to piss him off they kept making mistakes and they weren't in sync. "We're going to do it over and over again till you guys get it right.". "Hyung please we've been practicing for 2 hours already we all really need a break." "No, you guys dont understand how much this performance means to us you guys need to get it together and start working harder and stop slacking off." The members huffed in annoyance, and hyunjin rolled his eyes at Lee know. "Dont roll your eyes as me Hyunjin im just trying to make sure we get everything right, so everyone back in your positions." Jisung was starting to worry about his boyfriend. His eyes seemed to be red and hooded and he was pale and a lot thinner then usual. He knew how Minho never expressed himself in an emotional way to the members, but ina more of a joking way so no one would have to worry about him. Jisung usually let it slide not wanting to push Minho out of his comfort zone, but now he was getting worried. "No no no." Minho sighed in annoyance. "Restart the music you guys aren't doing it right Felix you and Jeongin are out of sync." The latter mentioned wiped the trail of sweat off his face before saying, " Hyung please we all need a 5 minutre break we can't even breathe.". " You guys can have a break after we get this down.". As they continued to practice Jisung noticed that tears kept on welling up in Lee Knows eyes. " OMG NO CHANGBIN WHY ARE YOU USING YOUR RIGHT LEG THATS THE 3RD TIME YOU'VE MADE THE SAME MISTAKE IT GOES LEFT LEG STOP NOT RIGHT LEG STOP!". "I'm sorry hyung I can't even breathe right now let alone focus." He said as he slumped against the wall letting himself let out a raspy breath. The other members seeing him sit down all did and downed their water bottles, and catching their breathes. "Why are you guys sitting down we arent done yet?.". "At this point Hyunjin was fed up " IT DOESNT MATTER HYUNG WEVE BEEN PRACTICING FOR HOURS AND YOU HAVENT LET US SIT DOWN FOR A SINGLE MINUTE.". " IM JUST TRYING TO GET US TO BE PERFECT BECAUSE THE PERFORMANCE IS SO IMPORTANT.". " WE ALL KNOW MINHO BUT IT SEEMS YOU DON'T!". The fact that Hyunjin didn't refer to Minho as hyung but rather his actual name didn't go past the members. At this point all the members had gotten up to try to stop the two, and Jisungs breath has become harder and he started scratching his arms a habit he had had ever since he was young to try to cope with his anxiety. " YOU'RE ARENT EVEN HELPING US MINHO YOU'RE JUST PUSHING OUR BUTTONS AND OVER WORKING US!". "IM TRYING TO HELP BUT NO ONES COOPERATING". "WE ALL ARE HYUNG YOU'RE JUST BEING A BIG BITCH ABOUT THIS I KNOW YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB, BUT WE AREN'T THE ONLY ONES MAKING MISTAKES IVE LITERALLY SEEN YOU MAKE JUST AS MANY OR PROBABLY EVEN MORE, SO I DONT KNOW WHY YOU'RE THE ONE TEACHING US WHEN YOU'RE WORSE THEN ALL OF US SO IF YOU COULD JUST STOP BEING AND BITCHY ASSHOLE THEN WE WOULD HAVE BEEN DOING A LOT BETTER!". Everyone was stunned, but no one was expecting what was about to happen. Minho started sobbing. "OMG Minho." Chan ran up to him to try to hug him, but minho just pushed him away. I ALREADY KNOW THAT IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!" and ran out the room sobbing.

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