Can you,"see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil?"

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I watch as the car drives away, heartbroken.

He's always been distant, but it has gotten worse over the past few months. I thought he was finally starting to open up after all this time. He was talking to me, confiding about his secrets, his powers, but then he just leaves. To a father, to a brother, I never knew he had. So when we went to the nasty burger, and he told me, I thought I would have more time. But it's only been a couple weeks, and he's already gone.

Gone where? I don't know, as he didn't say.

What else has he been keeping from me?

Why can't he trust me?

Why wouldn't he tell me that he remembered? He could have told me about his mother. What she did. Why did she leave him there, and what about the rest of them, the rest of his birth family? I would have helped him find them. Nobody said he couldn't have two. So why did he have to leave me without one?

But can he truly call us his family when we weren't even saying his name correctly? I don't even remember him calling himself Danyal; I always thought it was Daniel. I've called him that over and over again for years. Going as far as full naming him when the situation called for it, and he never corrected me. I feel so bad. I can't believe I did that to him. I was such an ass. What kind of big sister am I when I can't even get simple facts correct. I've tried to do right by him, but it wasn't enough. Though that doesn't explain why my every word was second-guessed? I wouldn't lie to him. He's my little brother. He should know when I'm telling the truth.

I just don't understand why he would leave me knowing that he has taken a place in our hearts and our home. Why would he leave me for things just to return to what it used to be? A house with no love, no interaction, just bumps and bangs that go off into the night. A house, not a home, that values science over its children.

Why couldn't he pretend, keep a straight face, and say everything was okay? Why couldn't he just let the problems lie? Why couldn't he stop himself from playing the hero? Why couldn't Mom and Dad's words have been true, just for once?

About the pain.

Because that would mean he was still alive. That would mean that when he got out of that portal, he was still okay, different but okay.

Because then he wouldn't be like this, constantly hurt. By their work, their hunting, and their words. None of that could have been used against him. It wouldn't have made him leave. Why couldn't he let it all blow over? Or better yet, tell them. Things could have been better, they would stop hunting him, and they wouldn't talk bad about him. After all, he's their baby boy.  There wasn't a reason for him to be afraid. He could have stayed. We could have stayed family.


I used to think so, but now I'm not too sure.

If something were to happen to me, or either one of them, and caused us to come back as ghosts, would whoever's left hunt us too?

At the end of the day, Danny's right. This isn't a safe place, but what more do I have? I have a roof over my head. They aren't hurting me, at least intentionally. They've never raised a hand toward me. I know they love me; I know they care. They just need help showing it. Though that doesn't excuse the screams. I hear them all day, all night. The only time they ever stop is when Danny makes them.

Either as Fenton or Phantom.

He's never been one to ignore someone in pain, except for when it's himself. He's put up with so much, but I can't help but be selfish and wish he lasted longer.

I don't want to be alone, not again.

But things don't always turn out how we want in the end. So I'll be stuck here in a literal Ghost Town. Packed with the dead and tourists in over their heads.

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