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" You okay?" I ask as we fly through the icy tundra of the FarFrozen.

" Okay!?" Jason exclaims, " I'm freezing my tits off."

" I told you to bring something warm," I huff.

" I thought you were exaggerating! It's not like you bulked up," Jason complains, then looks at me, " speaking of which, how are you freezing?"

I shrug, " I have a space core. Part of that is being resistant to extreme temperatures."

" Okay, Elsa, no need to rub it in," Jason quirks.

" Great One!" Yells various Yetis as we land in the village square. All the homes and buildings are circular, made out of ice and snow, and in the middle of the village is a roaring bonfire. Helping to keep some of the chill away.

" Hey guys!" I greet enthusiastically. " Is Frostbite in? We really need to see him."

" He's in the lab, Your Highness," says one of the yetis, Snowball, signaling to the others to create a path to let us through. She glances at Jason, " new friend, sire?"

I laugh, " new brother, actually."

" Ooh, how exciting," Snowball says, letting us in. " I guess this means you found your twin?"

Jason snorts, " He found the demon brat and ended up with the lot of us."

" One can never have too many siblings," says a booming voice. Up ahead is Frostbite in all his glory, wearing a lab coat and his reading glasses. He looks me up and down and asks resignedly, "What have you done to yourself this time?"

" This time," I say, clutching my imaginary pearls, " I came to see you out of the goodness of my heart!"

Frostbite snorts and gestures to Jason, "You came chaperoned. If you were well, you'd have ditched him."

I do my impression of a blob ghost, unable to come up with excuses as Jason snickers. " He's got you figured out," then he says to Frostbite, " I'm Jason. Danny wanted to come by himself, but Dad wouldn't let him. Me comin' with was the ultimatum."

" Well, we are happy to have you both," Frostbite says, leading us into his lab. The lab itself is a mixture of modern and futuristic. There are a couple of examination tables placed throughout, along with various pieces of technology. " So, what can I help you with today?"

" A couple of different things, hopefully," I say, rummaging through my pockets and pulling out samples. " My family found out I have problems with different medications. They were wondering if there may be a way to combine human and ghost meds so they're usable for me. These ones are made for metahumans."

Frostbite frowns slightly, " I will see what I can do, but Great One, it will be a while before you see any results. There's a possibility whatever I come up with won't be usable. Human and ectoplasmic DNA is very different from one another. It may not be possible."

I give him a one-armed hug, " I appreciate the fact that you're even going to try. Don't worry about the results; this hasn't been done before, after all. It's going to take trial and error."

Frostbite returns the hug, " I'll do my best. Now, besides the medication, what else is needed?"

"I was hoping, if you have the time, you could take a look at Jason?" I ask.

"What's wrong with the young revenant?" Frostbite asks.

" How can you tell?" Jason asked, taken back, "The rugrat called me that when we first met."

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