You're a what? You're a WHO?

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I fly invisibly after my family through the halls of the watchtower. Jason, Alfred, and the girls were the only ones unable to sneak away for the meeting, but they made sure to let me know that they're there in spirit. Dicks friend, Barbara, set it up so they all will be able to watch the meeting back on earth. So there will be no need to catch them up. I can't help but wander towards the windows as we pass. This is the closest I've ever been to the stars. Though, somehow, every time I start to float away, Dami is able to tell. Bringing me back to the group. It doesn't take long for us to reach the room.

" Hm," sit down, says Father, and my brothers do.

"What's going on, Bats?" Asks Barry, his cowl down, exposing his hair.

' I guess that makes the other Flash, Wally,' I think. My brothers took some time to familiarize me with the league member profiles. However, remembering everyone is still a work in progress. Thankfully, the ones we invited today are ones I'm familiar with. I can spot Uncle Clark, Aunt Diana, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatana, Martin Manhunter, one of the Green Lanterns, the aforementioned Flashes, and–

" What's trailing your arse, Bats?" The sad trench coat man, legs crossed, feet on the table. I can't wait to get soul bingo.

Batman glares at him, get your feet down, but he doesn't get the message. Batman huffs, " It has been brought to my attention that there's a government-sanctioned organization in violation of the Meta Rights Act, as well as attempting genocide."

Martin Manhunter's eyes narrow, " which government?"

" The United States," says Batman.

Manhunter's face becomes unreadable, but I can feel sadness-anger-sadness.

While disbelief and anger come from the others.

" Who alerted you to this?" Asks Manhunter.

Batman glances at me as if to say, 'Go on.'

" That would be me," I say, waving and popping into view.

Constantine snaps right up, standing stiff, head bowed, "It's a pleasure, your highness," peeking the other's interests.

" It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Diana, princess of Themyscira," says Wonder Woman.

My eyes light up, and I say a bit giddy, " Danyal phantom, high prince, soon to be, King of the infinite realms, and the pleasure is mine. Please call me Danny, Auntie Diana."

" Auntie," Diana says slowly, puzzled, before asking, "How are we related child?"

" One of my parents is Pandora–"

" Keeper of the box, of hope, fellow Amazonian and daughter of Zeus," Diana finishes and smiles, " I hope to get to know you, nephew."

" I, as well," I say before addressing the room. " Thank you for taking the time to hear Batman and I out today."

" That's just said to show up, so we did–" Wally says before getting elbowed in the ribs.

" Not to be rude, but what are you exactly?" Asks Green Arrow.

" I'm a ghost," I say.

" A ghost," Flash, Wally, says in disbelief.

Dick and the other Flash, Barry, raise eyebrows at him. Barry says to his nephew, " You've met Deadman before–"

" And they look nothing alike!" Wally yells.

" Not all ghosts look the same, ya know," I say, already exasperated.

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