﹅ CHAPTER 19 ;

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SINCE PRACTICE ENDED EARLY, bokuto decided to go to y/n and spend the rest of day with her. maybe watching movies, eating snacks, cooking, but when he asked akaashi, he just shook his head and suggested taking her out instead of staying at home. with that, bokuto rushed to his house and grabbed his phone, searching for any good place he could take her to.

after a while of searching, he gave up and locked his phone. there was no good options, sighing, the ace layed on his bed, looking at the ceiling.

"where should i take her.."
he pouted, sad at the fact that he couldn't think of a good place to take y/n to.

suddenly, he got up and walked towards his desk, pulling out a paper from under his keyboard.

"hey hey hey! that's it!"

the couple walked hand in hand to this secret place, y/n was curious and asked him several times about it but he kept telling her that it was a secret so she eventually gave up.

after few minutes of walking, they both stopped in front of a huge building, it seemed like a big company. confused, y/n looked up at bokuto with a raised eyebrow.

"uhm, why did you stop?"

"that's the place!"
bokuto grinned from ear to ear as he made his way towards the company gates.

"you're taking me to a company on our first date?"
she followed from behind, still not understanding his choice.

"just wait y/n-chan, you'll see!"

turns out, the company belonged to bokuto's father, he even told her that he has other companies across japan. everyone in the company knew kotaro and treated him with open arms. it got her by surprise but she wasn't that interested, she just wanted to know why he took her here, maybe to meet his father?
im not ready yet.. she thought to herself.

after using the elevator and reaching the roof of the company, bokuto was quick to cover y/n's eyes with his palms, making her squeal. he chuckled at her cuteness and gently guided her towards the end of the roof.

"you're gonna push me, dumbass?"
she asked as she felt the chilly breeze blowing against her face.

"i would never y/n-chan! and now.. are you ready?"
he whispered the last part in her ear, making her nod.

with that, he uncovered her eyes and they were immediately met with the most beautiful sunset ever, the way the sky was painted with different pastel colors, orange, pink and purple. the way the sun was reflecting on all houses of japan, the view was extremely breathtaking.

y/n was speechless, she admired the sight so much that she couldn't even take her eyes off of it, nor move from her spot. bokuto smiled, knowing that she loved it, he slowly hugged her from behind with his chin on top of her shoulder.

"do you like it, baby?"
he soft whispered, making her flinch. she slowly nodded her head.

"it's.. really beautiful."
she mumbled, in response, bokuto tightened his embrace and kissed her neck.

"you're more beautiful."
she sighed as she felt bokuto's lips against her neck.

"you also smell really good.."
he wrapped her around her waist as he hid his face in the crook of her neck.

"k-kotaro, what if someone walks in you idiot."
y/n glared at him but he shook his head.

"i don't care, i wanna shower my y/n-chan with my love!"
he grinned, making her roll her eyes and get out of his grip, she gently cupped his face and pressed her lips against his.

it took him by surprise but he melted into the kiss.
it was pure and innocent kiss, he didn't want to make uncomfortable since he knew it was her first time. they eventually pulled away, panting softly.

"y/n- you're a good kisser, bet you're so good in bed-"

"shut up you fucking owl! i.. well.. duh! im good at everything!"
she pinched his cheeks, making him groan.

"that means you're good in bed!"

"shut upppp!"ㅤ

pouting, she looked away as she tucked few loose strands of her hair behind her ear. bokuto blushed at how adorable she looked with her rosy cheeks.

bokuto was lost in those beautiful eyes of hers, he couldn't believe that y/n is his now, she's finally his. his girl. she always makes him feel like he's the only boy in the world, even with her cold attitude, she still has this soft side that she shows only to him.
he made a promise to himself, that he will do anything, anything to protect his beautiful girlfriend, he will treasure her, he will make her the happiest girl in the universe.

y/n was not like any girl he has met, most of the girls love him because of his looks, he is indeed an attractive guy but y/n, she never thought of it that way, she fell for him because he's.. him. he's kotaro, the stupid loud airhead who loves attention, she never cared about his looks, she fell for those little things he does.

she may not show it, but she's already the luckiest, happiest girl in the world, why? because she's with him, this idiot owl who's standing in front of her with the smile that never leaves his face. y/n was so thankful for meeting someone like him, he really did fill that emptiness inside of her heart.

as those happy memories crossed her mind, her lips slowly curled up into a big smile followed by a soft giggle.


"why are you always doing this to my heart-"
bokuto ran towards y/n and wrapped his arms around her as he hid his face in her chest.

"d-doing what?"
y/n blinked twice as she looked down at the owl looking dummy.


"you always make my heart go hoot hoot!"




thank you so much for the support my dudes, im crying ;-;;;;;;
it already has almost 600 views djjdjssn
im sohappyyy, tytytyyyy


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