Stuck in the middle of the ocean - Pedri González

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  Pedri booked for us to go on a boat ride, you know just enjoy the sunset together and chill. I loved the idea of getting to spend time with the person i love.

  Once we got on the boat, Pedri told me that he knew how to drive one. He has never told me that before, so i was confused, but i still let him do what he wanted to do.

  It was currently 8pm, so the sun started to set. Pedri just stopped the boat so we could watch the sunset.

   Everything was perfect. The sun, the water that was so calm, the slow music that Pedri played on his phone, just us sitting on the little sofa.

  He had his arm around my waist, pulling me as close as he could. He was giving me soft kisses of my cheek and i was just enjoying it. His other hand was holding mine tightly.

  An hour later, we decided to return the boat back to its owner and also return back home.

  Pedri tried very hard to turn the machine on but nothing seemed to work. We were devastated at this point.

  He sighed deeply and let his body fall onto the sofa.

  "What are we going to do now?" I asked and he looked at me.

  "I wish i knew.." he said and widened his eyes. "Or maybe i know.." he continued and came closer to me.

  "Come on Pedri, now?" I asked and he started kissing my neck.

  "Come on why not? Memories of places we had sex. We could literally write a book about this." He said whispering into my neck.

  He started to take off my pants and underwear. He was doing circles around my already wet pussy.

  "I haven't even gone in yet and u are already wet. Actin' like u don't want this huh?" Pedri said whispering it to my ear.

  "Just do it Pedri." I said and he put his 2 fingers in. In and out. In and out. In and out. Fast movements. Continuously.

  I was moaning so loud at this point. And the good thing is, that no one could hear us.

  He was going deep in, making me have my eyes closed and biting my lips from pleasure.

  "Pedri... I'm about to-" i couldn't even finish my sentence and he interrupted me.

  "Let it all out baby." He said not stopping to finger me.

  I let all my cum out, making his fingers all sticky.

  He takes his fingers out and cum is dripping from my pussy. My eyes were still closed but when i turned my head to look at Pedri, he was already on his knees.

  "What are you doing Pedri?!"

  "Lick you out." He said and spread my legs even more. He laid me down on the sofa and placed his head between my legs.

  He started eating me out while i was caressing his hair with my one hand. My other hand was grabbing his hand that was placed on my thigh.

  Well, both of his hands were grabbing my thighs for more support. He was dipping in deeper and i groaned.

  He took his tongue out of me and licked his lips.

  "Hey come here." I said and opened my arms so i could give him a hug. The hug was long and full.

  "How about you get dressed and sleep?" Pedri asked and i put my underwear and pants back in.

  "The only thing we can do right now, is sleep." He said and laid down on the sofa, waiting for me to get on top of him and cuddle till we get found.

Words: 615


I know this is a shorter chapter and im sorry for that☝️
Hope there are no grammar mistakes 😭

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