Drunk - Neymar Jr

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  Neymar and i, were invited to Messi's and Antonela's party. They were celebrating their 6 year anniversary since they got married.

  For Antonela we got a black leather Gucci bag. And for Messi an expensive Rolex watch. Even though we know they can both afford it, we couldn't just go to their party with no gifts.

  "Hellooo! Happy Anniversary!! " I said as Messi and Antonela opened their front door for us.

  "Happy Anniversary to our favorite couple!" Neymar said opening his hands for a hug.

  He hugged them both and he gave the gift to Messi while i was giving Antonela's gift to her.

  "Oh my God! That is amazing, thank u so much!!" Antonela said hugging me tight.

  "Of course! Im so glad you liked it. You are lucky i went shopping on my own for your gift. Thank God Neymar wasn't there." We both laughed as Antonela was checking out her new bag.

  "Thank you bro! That is an amazing gift. You know me so well!" Messi said hugging Neymar. "Come on let's partyy!!"

  "Woowhooo!" Antonela screamed lifting up her hands, dancing to the music.

  We all went inside the house.

  "Here are all the drinks. Serve yourself! Food is on that table over there." Messi said pointing to a massive table in the living room. "And especially have fun!"

  "Oh we will!" Neymar said.

  Antonela and i drunk some red wine while talking about our love life.

  Neymar and Messi drank beer, talking about their career.

  The house was so crowded i could hardly hear Antonela talking. The whole PSG and Barca team was there. Relatives of them of course and other friends.

                               .          .          .

  Neymar and i would get drunk every time we went to a party. This time was also one of them.

  I went to a small couch of 2 to just relax cuz i felt so light headed. I closed my eyes and threw my head back on the couch. I spread my legs kinda revealing my world down there.

  Suddenly i see Neymar coming up to me. He came close to my ear. "I would love for you to stop spreading your legs infront of all these drunk people." He said whispering in my ear making my body tingle.

  "Its a comfortable position." I said and Neymar sat next to me.

  "I know some other comfortable positions for you." When he said that, my body froze.

  "And what is that?" I like teasing him.

  "I can show you at home."

  I spread my legs a bit more and Neymar grabbed my hand.

  "Okay that's it. We are leaving now." We got up and went to Messi and Antonela.

  "Hey, im so sorry but we actually have to go." I was struggling to talk because Neymar was grabbing my ass and tickling me. "Neymar stop." I sais whispering in his ear. "I hope you don't mind us leaving. U see Neymar is kinda drunk."

  "Yeah of course! Don't worry about it! I at least hope you had fun." Messi said smiling.

  "Of course we did! And happy anniversary again! I hope you stay together forever. You are an amazing couple." I said hugging both of them.

  "Happy Anniversary!" Neymar said also hugging them. "See you bro."

  "Byee!" They both said as he made our way out to Neymar's car

  I opened the passenger door and get in. I buckled myself, so did Neymar.

  On the way home, Neymar suddenly put his hand on my thigh. He was going up slowly until his reached my underwear. He moved it to the side and started doing circles around my clit.

  "Neymar, we are gonna crash."

  "Relax okay? I have my eyes on the road."

  "Yeah well your eyes are on the road but your brain isn't!"

  He didn't pay attention to what i said and continued. He put his middle finger inside me, making me groan. He was going in and out, and at every movement he put more fingers in.

  I grabbed his arm and door handle for more support. I threw my head back in my seat, closing my eyes in pleasure. I was trying not to moan so that we wouldn't crash. But every time i tried, he just went in deeper and faster. This man really wants us to crash.

  I finally let out a loud moan and then bit my lips again.

  "You really need to pull your fingers out. I don't want the car to be in a mess." I said looking at him, as i was struggling to talk. "Let's continue this at home." He didn't say anything and he just pulled out his fingers. I was so happy he did cuz i was so close.

  When we arrived at our house, Neymar quickly parked the car at our parking and we got out. He locked the car and dragged me into the elevator.

  He started kissing me hungrily on my neck as i left out a light moan.

  "You are so impatient." I said and he just continued.

  "We are home now." He said.

  The elevator reached our floor and we got out of it, making out. The elevator door closed behind us and we entered our bedroom. He locked the door and pushed me against it.

  "Just put me on the bed." I said and he dragged me to the bed while we were undressing eachother.

  With no warning, he thrusted into me, not letting me adjust to his size. I didn't mind though. He was going up and down. In and out. All the time.

  I wrapped my hands around his waist and buried my face in his neck leaving small kisses and moans.

  He was pounding in me harder and harder every second passing. I was a moaning mess under him.

  "Im close!" I screamed.

  "Me too."

  We both let our hot cum load me. I let out a big sigh when he stopped moving for a while. He was still inside me and he just closed his eyes.

  He finally decided to pull out and i groaned.

  "It's not over yet." He said and flipped me around. I got the assignment and got on all fours.

  He thrusted into me again grabbing my hips. He pounded and pounded. He hit my g-spot too quickly and i moaned out. All the pain he was giving me, it was all worth it.

  I grabbed the bed handle for support. He was being way too harsh, but i didn't want him to stop.

  "Are we gonna have a loop all night?" I asked him out of breath.

  "Thats what i was planning for. Are you in?"

  "You are in me right now." I said smiling. "Of course i am in." He smirked.

  The loop went on all night. Front and back. Front and back. Until morning.

Words: 1141


I am kinda running out of ideas. Can anyone help me?😭

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