I know you already - João Félix

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   Every 2 times a week, i be finding myself and my best friend in different bars around in town. She wants a boyfriend so badly and im wondering how and why. She is so fucking pretty. But every time a guy flirts with her, she rejects them right away. And then she is wondering why she doesn't have a boyfriend. She never had a relationship before. Only sex.

   I am honestly not interested in finding a boyfriend right now. I just go with her cuz i wanna have a little fun. We once ended up making out cuz we got really drunk. But it wasn't that serious.

   The last boyfriend i had, took my virginity away. I regret it so much having sex with him. I wish i could turn back time. I wanted my first sex to be special. Well, it turned out he used me for sex. We fucked like 20 times and then he left me for another hoe. After that, i realized all the signs he was giving me. I was just so in love and couldn't see clear. Now that i do, i know who to pick and when.

   "Girl there are so many handsome men in hereee!" I said looking around the bar. "I know right! We came to the right bar!" She said as we made our way to the bar, where the bartender was. We sat in our seats and let out a sigh.

   "So what we gettin?" Sasha asked. "I'm getting a glass of red wine. What about you?" "Im getting a...mojito!" She said and her face lit up.

   "What would the pretty ladies like to drink?" The bartender asked us. "I would like a glass of red wine please!" I said. "I want a mojito please!" Sasha said. "Coming right up!" The bartender said as he went up to the counter making Sasha's mojito. We were watching him shake the mojito waiting for him to bring it over. Once he poured the red wine inside the glass, he brought both of the drinks to us. "There you go!" He said. "Thank u so much!" We both said.

   We took a sip and saw a guy coming up to us. "Hello cutie." Mason said looking at Sasha. "Hello!" Sasha said smiling. "Wanna get outta here?" He asked. "Im actually with my best friend now." She said and i brought her face to mine and whispered. "Girl he is so fine! U better go!" I said. "But i dont wanna leave u alone!" "I don't mind baby. Dont worry about me! In the end, we came here for you. Please go!" I said and she bit her lips. "Fine... Fine! I will go. But please let's hang out tomorrow!" "Of courseee!" She smiled. "Thank u so much baby! I'll see u tomorrow!" "Byeee!"

   When she left, i took another sip of my wine and took my phone out of my bag and texted my mum. When i lifted my head up, i saw a man standing in front of me. It was João Félix. Yes that hot footballer. "Hello beautiful." He said. "Hey?" I said. "Im-" i cut him. "I know who u are. U are João Félix. From Chelsea right?" He smiled. "Yeah thats me!" He didn't stop looking at me for once. I melted in his brown chocolate eyes. "Are u looking for a boyfriend?" He asked. "Not really." He gave me a side smile and smirked. "Are you sure about that?" That's it im falling. I liked him as a footballer and as a guy. I always thought he was handsome. Now that he said that, i fell fr. "Not so sure after all..." i said and smiled at him and he laughed. "Wanna go somewhere more quiet?" He asked offering his hand. "No need to ask twice." I grabbed his hand and we made our way to his car.

   I sat at the passenger seat and he sat at the driver seat. "I'm-" He cut me. Payback accepted. "I know who u are y/n." I widened my eyes. "How do you know?" "Well, u got like 5m followers on Instagram. U are an influencer." He said. "Well u don't follow me." I said looking out the window. "I do." I looked back at him. "I got a secret account. Its private and only a few people follow me." "Oh really?" I smirked at him. "U are let's say my influencer crush." I smiled. "And let's say u are my celebrity crush." I said and he smiled at me.

   Suddenly the car stopped. We stopped at a closed car station. There were lights but not so bright. No cars passing by. His car was dark with red led lights inside. Perfect.

   João looked at the backseat and then looked back at me. "You in?" He asked. "I never thought i would have sex with someone i just met but you are João Félix. I can't lose this chance." I said and he quickly pushed our seats to the front so we can have more space.

   He jumped to the backseat and i jumped on his lap. He grabbed my head and kissed me as he was pushing with the other hand, my waist closer to his. I was moving back and forth and felt him get hard under me. I moaned inside his mouth and he quickly moved his hand to my underwear. He moved it to the side and did circles around my clit. "Stop teasing me." I said breathing fast. Well he did stop teasing me. But he did put his 2 middle fingers inside me. I moaned out loud as his movements got faster. "Oh my God João..." He bit his lips. "Gosh, these words coming out of your mouth..." He said as he went deeper and deeper. "Hey, lets not make your car a mess..." He just continued. "I don't care as long as its you." Since he didn't care, i didn't mind also.

   He went faster again and i felt my inside tighten. "Release it." I did as he told me so. He stopped moving with his fingers still inside me. "U feel so good oh my lord." I let out a sigh and he pulled his fingers out. "Get out." I looked at him. I was scared he was using me. "What?" "Get out so we can pull the seats down." Oh this wasn't over. "Oh okay."

   We got out of the car and pulled the seats down. "Now let's get back in there and make more mess." Gosh. Everything he says is just so attractive. "As u wish."

   We got to the back as we undressed each other. He stretched to the front seat's cupboard to get a condom out of it. He rolled it over his dick and laid me down.

   He got on his knees and started licking me out. He had his hand on the window and the other one on my thigh pulling me closer. His tongue was going places inside me. I was caressing his hair and bit my lips. "Oh shit.." i moaned.

   He got up and came on top of me. He didn't even wait. He just thrusted into me with force. I moaned out loud. I couldn't stop. He pulled out and stilled inside me again.

   "You." Again.
   "Are." Once again.
   "Amazing." One last time.

   "Damn João." He was pounding into me harshly. I didn't care. It was João Felix. Who wouldn't want that?

Words: 1297


I had a picture in my mind making this chapter.

This one

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This one. Like damn.

I'm also very very sorry for not not posting! I just came to Paris and i didn't have time to upload. But now imma try to post more💋

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