Jealousy - Neymar Jr

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  It was 9 pm and my boyfriend, Neymar, and i went to an amazing party. The whole PSG team was there but also Barcelona. It was a massive party as both teams won their last game at the end of the season.

  I was wearing the sexiest dress i had found in my walk-in closet. A red, very short dress. It was open enough, for me to be fuckable. For Neymar only.

  When we arrived, with Neymar's fast car, i saw my best friend, Anisha. I invited her to come with me so i can have company, because i knew Ney would go have fun with his teammates. I didn't want to hold him back. I also invited her incase she found a nice boyfriend, cuz her last one was a complete asshole. He cheated on her 3 times and she didn't even realize.

  "Hey babe, are you gonna stay here with your best friend?" Neymar asked me.

  "Yea! Please go have fun with your teammates!" I said and he smiled at me.

  "Thank you baby. I love you." He said and gave a deep kiss while grabbing me from my waist. "You look so fuckable in this dress..." He whispered in my ear when no one could hear him.

  "I wore it just for you." I said and he smirked.

  "I can't wait to get back home." He said and smiled at me one more time before getting to his friends.

  "Wear protection!" Anisha said while laughing.

  "Shut up!" I said and slapped her arm playfully.

  We sat at the bar and talked about our summer holidays. Ney had booked for us to go on a 1-week trip in Greece. It was the following week! I was so excited.

  "Gosh i wish i had a boyfriend that could take me on holiday." Anisha said while looking at the floor.

  "Girl, you don't need to have a boyfriend to go on holiday. I mean prove me wrong, but your parents are rich, so are you! Take yourself on a trip!" I said and she looked at me.

  "You are right! I should! And i will!" Anisha said, smiling proud.

  "That's my girl. You don't need no man to make you happy."

  "Thank you baby. You are the best." Anisha said and held my hands.

  "Stop you are." I said and we laughed and gave eachother a hug.

  "Oh look at Pedri... he looks so cute." Anisha said blushing.

  "Girl go talk to him!"

  "U acting like i have a chance." Anisha said looking back at me.

  "Let's have a bet." I said.

  "Tell me."

  "You go talk to Pedri and if you make out with him today, i win. If you don't, you win."

  "Well i won already." Anisha said sighing.

  "We'll see about that. Now go! And don't come back if he is interested in you."

  "Fine." She said and went straight to talk to Pedri who sitting alone doing nothing. I just knew they were going to make out today. Anisha is so pretty she can pull anyone.

  They started talking and i could see Pedri was really interested in her. He was looking at her with those eyes. Those eyes that Neymar was looking at me, the first time we met.

  I looked at Anisha, who was already looking at me, and i gave her thumbs up smiling. She just smiled at me, knowing i had already won the bet.

  I asked the bartender to make me a mojito. I love mojitos! Everywhere i go, i drink mojitos.

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