Bad day - Kylian Mbappe

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  It was Saturday. PSG had a match against Real Madrid. Kylian was so excited to play against his idol, Cristiano, he couldn't even sleep peacefully at night, he didn't stop moving. I knew he was stressed about that match so i was trying to calm him down by saying "everything is gonna go amazing" "you are gonna win, i'm sure." and all that. He was listening to my words sighing.

  "Hey y/n, imma go to the pitch okay?" Kylian said preparing his backpack.

  "Yea i will be there when the match starts!" I said trying to find what to wear.

  "You better wear my shirt and scream my name on the pitch." He said and i pulled out his shirt from his closet.

  "I was planning on it." I said walking down the stairs to say goodbye to him. "You are going to do amazing. You are Kylian Mbappe. You shouldn't be scared of anything." I said and gave him a deep kiss while both of his hands were around my waist.

  "Well im glad you are gonna be there." Kylian said pulling away from kiss still having me around his arms.

  "I'm always there." I said and smiled.

  "And everyone is wondering where I get bricked up from." He said laughing.

  "No wonder honestly." I said proudly.

  "Anyways, i will see on the pitch. Imma be looking for you all around it."

  "Don't get too distracted though. You are playing a very important game." I said cupping his cheeks.

  "I will try alright?" He said and we laughed.

  "Have fun okay? I'll see you there." I said and he smiled at me.

  He got into his fancy car and drove away. The things that happened in that car... Flashbacks y/n. Stop.

  I went upstairs again and put my clothes on. I was wearing my black trousers, Kylian's shirt of course and my military black jordan 4s. The match was in 2 hours so i basically had 1 hour to get ready.

  I had taken a shower right before Kylian left so only makeup was left. I always do soft makeup because i don't have anything to cover. I love my face. I just love myself.

  My makeup only took 7 minutes so while i was waiting, i was watching Netflix on our massive TV. My favorite series "Never have i ever." Man its amazing. Also, Devi should've ended up with Paxton. Just saying.

  The time passed and i got up and grabbed my black leather Gucci bag that Kylian bought for me. He knew exactly which one i wanted. He just knows me.

  I got inside my car and put on some music. I cannot drive without music. Always listening to "The Weeknd." Always.

  When i arrived to the pitch, i found Neymar waiting for me. Since he was injured, he couldn't play for the rest of the season. He was still there though, at every game.

  "Heyyy!" Neymar said opening his hands for a hug.

  "Omg hiii!" I said and ran to hug him.

  "How is everything??" He said as he pulled away from the hug.

  "Everything is perfect. How about you??"

  "Everything is going amazing honestly. My leg starts to get better." He said and i saw Bruna coming from her seat.

  "Omg Brunaaa!!" I said and i quickly ran to hug her.

  "Hey babyyy!" Bruna said smiling

  "I am so glad you are heree!"

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