My brother's best friend - Kylian Mbappe

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   Kylian and i had been dating for a while now. Let's say at least 2 months. There was something going on since my brother, Neymar and him became best friends. I would see him more often so that means more time to fall in love with him.

   We both fell in love with each other. And we knew. The only one who didn't know, was Neymar. Since now we are dating, there is no way we can tell him. Its a secret relationship. Nobody can know about this.

   We always see each other secretly. I go to his house secretly. He comes to my house secretly. If Neymar finds out, he will probably never talk to any of us again. So we are not planning to tell him.

. . .

We were at my house. He came so we could watch a movie. Basically spend a night together. We baked a cake together. We made popcorn and put a movie on the tv.

While we were watching the movie, it just hit me. "Kylian." i said looking at him. "Mhm?" I scooted closer to him. I put both of my hands around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. I dug my head on his neck. "I love you." I felt him hug me tighter. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I am perfect." I said with a big smile. "Oh i know u are perfect," he said. "And i hope u know i love u more. More than anything in this world."

   After a while of silence, i kissed him. Continuing down to his neck. "Y/n, what are u doing?" He asked leaning back to the couch. I slowly put my one leg on top of him, making my way onto his lap. I continued to kiss his neck. Every spot. "Oh c'mon. I can't believe u actually came here just to chill." I said as he rested his hands to my ass. He was leaving out light moans making him grip my ass. "Yea u might be right," he said taking a second to talk again cuz of me kissing him non stop. "I actually had some plans for tonight." I back up a bit. "Can u prove that?" I said looking at him dead in the eyes. "I sure can." He said. "Mhm. How?" He smirked. "If u take a look inside my bag, u will realise i didn't come here to just 'chill'." I got off his lap and he leaned back to the couch again, stretching his hands out to the sofa arms.

   I made my way to the chair where he had his bag on. I took it in my hands and opened it. I took out 3 packets of condoms and showed them to him. "Oh so you actually didn't come here to just chill." I said. "But three???" I widened my eyes. "Are we gonna have three rounds??" He chuckled. "I took three just in case. But yea why not?" I giggled. "I don't mind at all as long as it's you."

   He grabbed the remote control and turned off the tv. "Come here." He said looking at me. I made my way to him. "Shall we take this to the bedroom." He asked. "I am not enough patient for that." He smirked. "Okay then. The couch it is."

   I took off my pants and shirt, ready to take off my underwear and bra. Kylian stopped me. "I can do that. Don't worry about it." He said as he was only in his black boxers. The fabric of his boxers, looked like it was about to get ripped from how big it was. I couldn't keep it up.

   He laid me down to the couch and got on top of me. He started to slowly take off my underwear. I lifted my waist up a little to make it easier for him. He pulled me up a bit to unclip my bra.

   I was fully exposed to him. He didn't waste no time as i told him i wasn't patient enough. He did circles around my clit. "Stop teasing Kylian. You know i am not patient." I said and he quickly put his two fingers inside me. His movements were so fast i couldn't stop moaning. He started sucking my nipples as i was grabbing softly his neck. "Oh my god Kylian..." My eyes were closed and my head arched. "Just put the fucking condom damn it."

   He pulled his fingers out and got up. He took his boxers off as i was watching him rip the condom bag and roll it over his dick. He left the bag at the coffee table and got on top of me again. He thrusted into me with force making me let out a very loud moan. I didn't even have the time to adjust to his size. He was just all in. We was going up and down, up and down. Non stop. Which went on for a while.

   "Shit. Im so close.." i said. "Me too." He said. Before we could both release, we heard the bell.
We widened our eyes and Kylian stopped moving, but still being inside of me. "Y/n?? Are u home?" It was Neymar. The person i wanted the least to be here right now. Kylian pulled out making me groan. "Uhhh yeaa! Im here! Just wait a second," i said as i was rushing to make Kylian go hide somewhere. "Take ur clothes and upstairs, to my bedroom and into my closet!" I said as i threw his clothes to him. "Wait Ney!! I am naked! I just got out of the bathroom!" I yelled so that Neymar could hear me. "Yea no worries!" Neymar said. I quickly put on my clothes and go open the door.

   "Hey Ney!" I said giving him a hug. "Hey sis!" I pulled away. "Sooo why are you here??" I asked with a nervous laugh. "I just wanted to ask you if u wanted to come to Brazil with Bruna and i. We are going there for a few weeks." He said. "Ohhh thats great! But i.. i actually can't come. I don't feel like going to Brazil right now." He made a sad face. "Oh well that's okay." I smiled and that is when i saw Kylian's shoes behind Neymar. He turned around to see what i was staring at and he just stopped moving. "Y/n," he started. "Why. Are. Kylian's. Shoes inside your house?" He said stopping at every word. "Uhm..." i couldn't say anything else when he saw Kylian's bag. "And his bag." He said and scoffed. He looked around and then he saw the bag of the condom on the table. Great. "Oh really?" He sighed. "So u guys are fucking now? Really!?" He said furious. "It's not what it looks like Neymar.." He stopped me again. "Oh i think it is. Okay where is Kylian? I know he is here so he better come out now." He said looking around the house. "Kylian!" I yelled. "Just come downstairs. There is no reason of hiding anymore."

   I heard Kylian's footsteps. He was coming down the stairs slowly, with the guiltiest face ever. He stood next to me, scared to say anything. "Really Kylian? With my little sister? How could you do this to me?!" Neymar said. "Ney im sorry!" Kylian said. "Don't even apologise. I am going to be the one apologising after i kill you with my own hands." He said quickly grabbed Kylian from his shirt. "How could you go fuck with my sister behind my back!? You didn't tell me anything!" He screamed. "Neymar stop! This is enough!" I said trying to break them apart. "You just shut up. You are also guilty. You fucked with my best friend behind my back! I thought i could trust you!" Neymar said. "Please Neymar. Leave him alone. Killing him wont make anything better. You will go to jail and everyone is going to hate you! Just let me talk okay? And if still don't forgive us, then you can just leave and never talk to us ever again." I said. He finally let Kylian go. "Go on." Neymar said. "Look. Kylian and i loved each other since the time we met. Basically when u guys became best friends. We just didn't wanna tell you cuz we knew this would happen. But we really love each other Neymar. Very much." I said sighing. Neymar sighing and scoffed. He put his hands to his face and stayed silent for a while. "Im sorry." Neymar said and we look at him with disbelief. "Excuse me what?!" I said as i widened my eyes. "Im sorry i reacted like this. It was just really un expecting. Of course you guys can still date. I won't get in your way." Neymar said and i started to tear up. "Oh my God. U have no idea how relieved i am. I was really scared." I said and hugged him. "Im sorry i made you think that way." "Well u actually reacted that way." He scoffed. "Don't ruin the moment sis." I smiled. "Sorry." We both pulled away and Neymar made his way to Kylian. "Sorry bro." Neymar said. "You deserve her and u guys make an amazing couple." Kylian smiled and gave Neymar a bro hug. "Thank you man."

                                      .     .     .

   "Hey Y/n! How about we both go to Brazil?" I smiled. "Oh my God. Do u want to go all together?" I said. "Well that's what i just asked!" I laughed. "Yes Kylian! Of course i wanna go to Brazil with you." Neymar was staring at us. "So are u both coming??" He asked. "I guess!" We all laughed. "Okay well... we are leaving in 2 days so get ready to have the time of your livessss!!"

Words: 1708


I know it took so long for me to make another chapter but i just didn't know what to write. So i hope this one is worth it.
Also! Thank u so so so much for 12k reads! It's literally so amazing that my story has so many reads! Love u all so much❤️

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