Mistake? - Kylian Mbappe

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May i just regret the time i had sex with my coach? No i can't regret it but i still feel guilty. Every time i see Kylian, i think of the sex he gave me in the locker rooms when i had practice.

Kylian had been my coach since i was 19. He had been teaching me football for 3 years now. Even though I've been playing since i was 5 years old.

Well that day was different...

It was the day that i had broken up with my boyfriend, João. I found out he cheated on me with some hoe. I was so disappointed but i didn't let it ruin my mood. I still went to practice, and let's say, thank God i did. After i left the practice, i didn't remember anything but Kylian's dick in me. Magical? Yes absolutely.

Basically, right after the practice, i went to the locker rooms to change into my casual clothes. Everybody was gone already. I was all alone. Except... Kylian. It was only him and i.

I was distracted by my phone, when i heard a crack coming from the door.

I got up to see who it was and who else? Kylian.

"Hey everything alright??" Kylian said looking at me worried. I wasn't alright. I had João taking over my head. I still loved him, even after he cheated on me. But i still couldn't date a cheater.

"Hey, yeah everything is just great." I said letting out a sigh.

"You don't seem great though.." He said as he touched my shoulder. "Tell me what's going on. You can always trust me."

"I know." I shrugged. "Fine i'll tell you." I let out a big sigh again. "You know my boyfriend? João?"


"Well, it's actually ex-boyfriend now."

"What no! No way...what happened??" He asked worried.

"Well i found out he cheated on me today.." I said tearing up.

"Please don't cry about a man who is not even worth it. I know it's hard to get over it, but you have to." He said hugging me and i hugged him back tightly.

"Thank you Kylian. That means a lot." I said whipping away my tears.

He started moving closer to me and i didn't miss no chance. I jumped on his lap and started kissing him. He kissed me back and grabbed my waist. I was moving back and forth while he was pressing my body against his.

The kiss turned out into a make-out session into seconds.

During the make-out session, i felt guilt. Was it wrong? Probably. Was i gonna get in trouble? Absolutely. My brother, Neymar, would kill me if he found out i hooked up with his best friend.

"Kylian... this might be wrong." I said trying not to let out a single moan while he was leaving soft kisses on my neck.

"Nothing is wrong. We are both responsible enough to make our own decisions. Are you under age? No. Am i under age? No. Then we are good." He said and continued sucking my neck.

"Yea no i mean, you are my coach. It just feels weird."

"I am not just your coach, i am also your friend. Unless you wanna change that..." He said smirking.

"Forget what i said." I said and i started kissing his neck leaving hickeys.

I took his shirt off and slowly climbed down to his chest kissing it. Until i arrived at my favorite destination. Ding ding!

"May i?" I said asking for permission to take off his pants. He just nodded and closed his eyes.

I took his pants off and then he raised his hips a little, so i could take his boxers off. I threw it to the other side of the room and started sucking his dick while massaging his balls.

He arched his head and bit his lips from pleasure. He let out moans while he was caressing my hair with both of his hands.

When i took it out of my mouth, he looked at me with hungry eyes.

"Shall i do the work now?" He asked.

"If u insist..."

"I insist." He said and he quickly took my shirt, pants and underwear off.

He slowly laid me down on the bench and within seconds, he was inside of me. He knew what he was doing. He knew what i wanted to let my mind go off João. He has his ways.

He got in deeper and deeper every second. I was moaning so loud, i couldn't even control it.

When he finally found my g-spot, i screamed. He was pounding into me so hard that it made me forget everything about João.

Kylian's sex was different. Rougher? Mhm.

"Right there Kylian... don't stop." I said. I didn't stop moaning for a second.

20 minutes later, i got a call from Neymar. We still live together in a very big mansion with Bruna.

I didn't answer the phone but i guess it was finally time to stop.

My hair was a mess but thank God i had a hair brush with me.

When i got dressed, i quickly grabbed my bag back and ran out of the stadium with Kylian.

"Thank you for making me forget all about it." I said and smiled.

"Anytime." He said and winked at me.

He gave me a deep kiss before leaving and hugged me tight by my waist.

"I'll see you tomorrow at practice" I said.

"See yaaa!" He said as i stormed out.

I went to my car and quickly called my brother to let him know im alright.

"Hey Ney."

"Where are you?"

"We did 30 minutes extra practice. Sorry i didn't let you know about it."

"It's okay. At least you are okay. Are you coming home now?"

"Yes I'll be there in 15 minutes. I'm inside my car right now."

"Okay! Bruna and I are waiting for you. We ordered pizzas!!!"

"Oh i ain't missing that! I am coming!"

"Alright! See yaa"

"See yaaa!"

I hung up the phone and quickly drove to our house.

The evening passed off nicely. The pizzas were absolutely delicious.

I slept peacefully at night but never stopped thinking about Kylian.

. . .

When i woke the next morning, i quickly checked my phone and saw the news. Everything was about Kylian and I.

It was a photo somebody had taken yesterday when Kylian and I were kissing outside the stadium.

Oh i was so screwed.

Words: 1082


I know this is 2 parts with Kylian in a row but this part had to be Kylian's. It just matched.

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