Chapter 20

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I bury my face in my hands as I finally break. This island has now officially broke me.

Hot tears slip from eyes and fall down my cheeks. I try to wipe them, but it's no use. More tears just continue to fall in their place.

I cry so hard that I begin to heave and my chest hurts.

"Why me? Why me?" I rock back and forth on my bed, having some sort of mental breakdown. Once I catch breathe again after a few moments, I begin to get mad.

Really mad.

I begin to thrash. I throw things and break others. I kick and hit and push anything I see, unable to control my hot rage.

I continue this for a few minutes until I finally push over my small dresser and my mother's bracelet flies off to the floor with it.

I pick it up and move the small charms through my fingers. The silver moving delicately on my skin.

I wish my mother was hear for me now.

But she's not. I'm all alone. I have absolutely no one. I pick up my dresser and a few others things, but give up on cleaning my hut because honestly, I'm too upset to care.

I sit back down on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. I'm still crying and I can't seem to stop. Emotions of loneliness and pain hit me like a truck. I decide to just let myself cry because I damn well deserve to after all the shit this island has put me through.

I look up when the door of my hut slowly opens and Pan enters calmly. I quickly begin to wipe the tears off my cheeks and blink rapidly.

"Well Aria, this place looks like a train wreck." He laughs.

I look around at the mess I made. "Sorry, anger. " Pan looks at me with deep sorrow and opens his arms for me.

"Come here." He tells me and I slowly move into his arms. He wraps his arms around my body and lightly rubs my back. "Ssh," he whispers into my hair and I already feel relieved.

He moves me away from him slightly before placing a kiss upon my forehead. He sits us down next to each other and wraps his arm around my side whilst I lean my head on his shoulder.

We sit like that. Relaxed and at peace. After a few moments we lay back on the bed and I curl up next to him while his arm is still wrapped around me.

The heat that radiates from his body warms and comforts me in my time of need.

Pan's head moves to the side and I can only expect what he will do next. His lips slowly make their way toward mine. The seconds before they can touch, I push him away and stand from my bed.

"Pan, I'm sorry, but no. Do you not remember what you said?" I say with confusion.

"Of course I remember. How could I forget! I think about the words I said to you every night. I regret them so much, I can't even look at you without thinking of the way I hurt you. " He chokes out and my chin drops in absolute shock. "Now I just can't think why it hurt you so bad. "

"It hurt me," I pause. "Because it meant more to me than you think. "

He pushes his body against mine and my backs presses against the wall of my hut. "What did it mean to you?" He whispers in my ear.

"It's hard to say. "

"Say it. "

"Pan, I think I'm in love with you. " I whisper.

Pan's lips slowly make their way to mine until they finally connect. Fire erupts throughout me and I place my hands on the back of his neck.

I let myself fall into his lies and manipulation. And I fall hard. Luckily, with some of the sanity I still haven't remaining, I remove Pan's tender lips from mine.

"Pan, don't you have anything to say?" I ask confusedly.

"Like what?"

I stare at him, astonished. "Well I just told you some pretty big news." I state, like it's obvious.

"Umm, no?" He says unsurely. I roll my eyes and walk away from him. "What do you want me to say?" He asks, beginning to raise his voice.

"I think you know, but you're too afraid to say it. " I claim.

"You want me to say what? I love you? Well I'm not going to say something I obviously don't mean. "

In that instance, I finally realize that any false illusion I had of ever being with Pan, can never happen. I was so stupid. So stupid to ever trust him. To ever let him in. To ever love him.

"I can't be here anymore. I have to get out of here. " I say mainly to myself and with that, I'm gone. I sharply turn around and find the door to my hut. I fiddle with the handle until it finally flings open and I run out.

"Aria!" I hear from behind me, but I ignore it.

I keep running and running. I find myself in the middle of the forest with no idea where I'm going, but I continue to run.

I finally reach the cliff of eternity, completing out of breath. I place my hands on my knees and try to breathe.

I then take a seat on the edge of the cliff, which I know is very dangerous, but I honestly don't care what happens to me at the point. I place my head in my hands and let myself cry. I don't believe I've cried so much in one night since the death of my mother.

How can I get off this damn island?

I can't be here anymore. And I know the only way off.


What the big deal? I have to die anyway. My times running out and I think, if I stay here another day, I'm going to explode.

So why not?

I look down towards the dark pit and place my arms behind me, ready to fall down.

What's going to happen? Comment!

I also just realized that the trailer doesn't have any sound! Expect a reupload very soon!

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