Chapter 32

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Pan's POV

"What have you done you, monster!" I scream at the top of my lungs at Felix. He stands there, petrified, like a little child.

I use my hand and throw him to a tree. He flies and smacks his head. I leave him there, laying unconscious as I go to help Aria.

I run up to her and hold her bleeding body in my arms. I press my hands on her wound as her eyes shut.

"No Aria!" I cry out. "I can't lose you again!" I watch as she takes her last breath and her body goes cold. I feel like I'm being hit with déjà vu.

Her blood still spills into my hand and I use my power to try and fix her wound, but there's only so much my magic can do. I hold her in my arms as I rush her into my hut.

I lay her gently on my bed, before feeling her pulse. It's slowly catching back up, but it's not quite there. I let her rest, knowing after that amount of blood loss, she would not be waking up anytime soon.

I lift up her bloody shirt and see that my magic has healed the wound partially, but not completely.

I pull open one of my dresser drawers next to the bed and grab a first aid kit. I get a clean cloth out and clean the wound before stitching it up. This reminds me off the time when Hunter shot her with the arrow. Only then, she wasn't fighting for her life.

"I haven't got to tell you this since you've been back," I start. "But I love you. I love you so much Aria." I let myself cry a little, even though I hate crying. It shows weakness, and Pan is not weak.

I stand up and wipe my eyes as I walk outside. I tale a deep breathe at the sight of my boys just standing there.

"Throw him in the cage." I spit out and the lost boys get to work, moving Felix's body.

Alex walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Peter, go clean yourself up and get some rest. You could use it. I will take care of the lost boys and Neverland, trust me." I nod to him and turn to my hut. It is such an odd feeling having him here again. After this long, I thought I would never get the chance to see him again. Aria is truly special for getting him back to me.

I enter my hut and walk into my bathroom. I stand there, absolutely petrified at my appearance.


Dark. Red. Thick. Heavy. Sticky. Blood.

It sits in my hair, adorning the chocolate brown strands, dry and crispy. It drips down my face in some places and is dried to my skin in others. My clothes look like I took a bath in blood, the green turning the disgusting red.

I am a bloody mess both inside and out. Both literally and metaphorically.

And not a single drop is my own.

I strip of my clothes and drop them into a small basket. I grab a clean pair of sweats and drag them onto my legs. They hang loosely at the waist as I use a washcloth to wipe my skin and hair.

Once my skin is clean again, I settle to the couch, letting my tense body relax.

And this is when the waiting begins.

The wait for Aria's awakening. If that ever happens.

This by far, has to be one of my favorite chapters. I don't know why, but I enjoy it from a different perspective.

So this will be the last chapter for two weeks! When I return on the 24th, I will update right away (unless you guys don't vote and comment, then I'll just leave you hanging!) ;) I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Make sure to follow the Twitter @/wonderfanfic. If you have yet to watch the trailer, it is posted on YouTube as 'wonder fanfic trailer' you can also find it in the 'intro' of this book!

I am so excited for what's coming next and I hope you are too!

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