2 - Numenara

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"Welcome to Numenara!"

It was all anyone has said since we got here.

Lady Ghost has been here before, they didn't have to tell her 24/7. Although....it has been quite some time.

A long time, actually. She was getting very old.

She sits in a waiting room outside the Governor's Office, thinking of these things.

She looks at the two others in the room: a reptilian looking fellow, and a red haired woman.

The red haired woman was already eyeing Camille as she glanced around the room.

They both made a face at eachother.

"Lady Ghost...the Governor will see you now." A well dressed woman walks up to her.

The woman opens a door to an underwater tunnel, made of thick glass. At the end of the tunnel was the door to the Governors Office.

"Just beyond here is-"

"I know. Thanks." Camille smiles at the woman, as the door is shut behind her.

The tunnel seemed to lengthen the longer she stayed in it.

They told me there was a new Governor, that Governor Rosetta "went crazy".

She knocks on the door, she hears footsteps come towards it.

A suited pale man with a mustache opens the door.

"It's just you?" He asks. Of course, he had an English accent.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"The two Warlocks. You said they were with you."

"Your people kind of took them away when we came."

"Oh. Well it was not my intention. Please, sit down."

Camille walks into the office. It looked..lifeless compared to how she remembered it.

She watches this new Governor pulled out a phone.

"I didn't give you permission to take the two Warlocks yet. The ball isn't even until tomorrow night!" He raises his voice.

The person on the phone responded meekly.

"Get them out and bring them to my office! Now!" He throws the phone down.

They both stare at eachother. Camille glanced down at his desk, seeing that his name was Moore.

"Tell me about these two kids..Pariah and..Dexter."

"Do you know anything about the Timestream, Governor?"

"Why the hell wouldn't I?"

"Then you know that it's in the process of shattering into nothingness."

"Well...no I didn't. How?!"

"A being called Morphyte triggered a ritual that is causing it. The only place we know he could be is at the End of Time."

Moore began to open his mouth.

"No, I don't know what to do when we get there. I just know how to get there."

"Why are you here then?"

"My Linesplitter...it's broken."


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