Five - Your Lying to Me

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POV; Nash

I flutter my eyes open to be cuddling a shirtless Cameron. Ah, this is the life. Cameron's brown eyes open quickly only to meet mine.

"Morning blue eyes." He greets me kissing my forehead.

"Hey." I say shyly.

When I go to stand up I lay right back down reviving a massive headache wincing in pain. Damn.

"Yeah you kinda got drunk last night." Cam says scooting to my side.

"Can you go in my bathroom and get me a cup of water and some Advil?" I ask sweetly.

"Of course." He says kissing my lips gently before going to the bathroom.

Ugh. I don't even wanna know what I said or did last night, but at least I have the best boyfriend in the world to take care of me.

It feels so weird to call him my boyfriend but it makes my heart flutter.

Cam walks back in the room with a cup of water and two Advil's.

"Here you go my prince." Cam says smiling.

"Thanks." I say blushing at the cute nickname.

"Awe I love it when you blush." He gushes.

"So what are we gonna do today?" I ask changing the subject.

"Um well I have a few things to do, but I could come get you when I'm done if you want." Cam says thinking hard.

"Yeah, ok. Gives me time to sleep more." I say hiding the disappointment.

"Alright well I will text you when I'm on my way." Cam says sweetly.

"Ok." I respond laying back down.

POV; Cameron

I can't believe I'm going to do this.

Vanessa wants to talk to me about why I left her, guess she hasn't heard the news yet.

She is having me meet her at the frozen yogurt place in the mall.

"Hey." She says quietly.

"Ok so you wanted to talk?" I state rather than ask.

"Yes I just need to know why you left me. I stopped sleeping with Nate two weeks before you dumped me, please take me back. I love you." She pleaded already on the brink of tears.

This is going to be hard, for her.

"I'm gay Vanessa, it's really nothing you did, and I have a boyfriend now I'm sorry." I say sincerely.

"Oh. Oh my god. Your gay!?!?" She exclaims bursting into tears.

"Yes, and please stop crying, people are staring." I say sternly.

She just keeps on crying hysterically.

POV; Nash

Cam has been gone for an hour or so and I got bored and decided to get some froyo from the mall.

When I walk in I hear someone crying hysterically. I look to see a girl balling her eyes out.

POV; Cameron

What do I do? She won't stop crying, and is she doesn't stop soon we will get kicked out.

I don't know what to do so I grab her and kiss her and that shuts her up.

POV; Nash

What the actual fucking fuck?!?!

Cam was sitting with that crying girl and he kissed her. I walk right up to him.

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