Chapter 8 - Trip to Mcdonalds

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After last night's talk sonic was feeling great, after getting a newfound hope. Sonic was determined to save Katie and defeat that egghead!

It was seven in the morning and the gang woke up one by one, The crew freshen themself up and was ready to take on the day. Knock knock knock the door went, Thomas went up to open the door and behind it was Tania and Johnzel, "Hey everyone! just checking how you guys are doing." Tania says, "Oh don't worry tantan, we doing fine!" sonic laughed.

"So what is your next course of action? You do have a plan on how to defeat Eggman?" Johnzel asked, "Well about that... We haven't really discussed any plans" Sonic raises his hand to scratch his quills. "Well before we discuss plans, we should go out for breakfast. I saw a mcdonald across the street" Shadow suggested "Oo great idea Shad! let's go!" Sonic said

The gang walked to the McDonald's and ordered some food, they sat down and ate their hotcakes, eggmuffins and coffee beans and sipped their coffee.

Shadow was looking at his phone but then saw something surprising! "Hey look at this" Shadow nudges Sonic and hand his phone over to him

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Shadow was looking at his phone but then saw something surprising! "Hey look at this" Shadow nudges Sonic and hand his phone over to him. It was a Twitter post and it showed Katie and Eggman together in a heart (ew) on the top, it says "You're invited to Eggman's and Katie's wedding!" and "Sonic or Sonic's friends are not invited" in smaller writing. the date on the picture says the wedding was... NEXT WEEK?! "WHA next week?! we won't be able to make it to Eggman's lair on foot!" Sonic shouted. "Oh don't worry sonic, we know a gal that can lend you some of her's aircraft" Tania grabbed a napkin and wrote on it an address on it. "She's a bit pricey, but she's the best in the business. I'm sure she'll be able to get you there in no time." Sonic breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Tania. We'll visit her right after breakfast right away."

"So what is even the plan?!" rouge says "Oh right right!" sonic nodded "So any bright ideas?" Sonic scratched his head, deep in thought. "Well, we can't just barge into Eggman's wedding uninvited. We need a plan to get in without being noticed," he pondered.

Tails spoke up. "I could create some high-tech disguises for all of us. We can blend in with the guests and sneak around without raising any suspicion."

Rouge, with a determined look on her face, added, "Hm, hiding as one of the Eggman's badniks doesn't seem like a bad idea Tails!" Shadow crossed his arms, a smirk forming on his face. "I have a better idea," he said. "Why don't we crash the wedding and make a scene? It'll distract everyone, giving us a chance to recuse Katie. "

Rouge raised an eyebrow, skeptical of Shadow's suggestion. "As much as I enjoy causing chaos, we still need to be cautious. We don't want to give Eggman the upper hand. Maybe we can create a diversion outside the wedding venue while a smaller team sneaks in and save Katie."

Sonic nodded in agreement. "Rouge's right. We need a balance between chaos and stealth. Let's split into two teams. One team creates a diversion outside, and the other infiltrates the wedding and saves my wife!"

Tails pulled out a map, his eyes shining with excitement. "I've been studying Eggman's lair for a while now. I know a secret entrance that leads directly to his control room. It's hidden behind a waterfall. If we can reach that, we'll have a significant advantage."

"So johnzel and Tania are you joining the mission to save Sonic's one and only love?" Rouge asked the two Carlton residences, Tania shallowed down the food in her mouth "Sorry we would love to but we have to patrol and make sure no more of Eggman's robotics slaves attack the city" Johnzel nodded agreeing with Tania "And while your saving Katie you should also save Honey the cat, my business partner, we pretty sure she being held hostage at Eggman's Lair" Tania says with a worried expression "Oh don't worry Tania! we will 100% save Honey!" Tails say "Oh thank you, guys!" Tania thanks.

A comfortable silence reaches across the table while the gang continued to finish their McDonald's breakfast. After finishing their meals the gang got up and went out of the restaurant, Tania and Johnzel went their separate way from the group.

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