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"Come on, Louis! Just pretend to kick the ball!"

"Why would I pretend to do it when my job is to literally kick it?" Louis throws his hands up at the photographer. "Just send in what you have. I'm done here!"

Louis storms off, going toward the locker room. He enters the room, heading straight for his bag on the bench.

"Really, Louis?" Liam asks, "Had to leave another photoshoot?"

Louis groans, "It's fine, Liam! They got some good pictures, they can put them in their magazines. I don't need to fake play with a ball."

"You do like balls, huh?" Liam laughs to himself, staring at his phone.

"Piss off!" Louis leaves the locker room, knowing Liam is following him.

"You wanna to go to Bradford with us? Zayn's excited for our trip he planned." Liam talks as he stares at his phone, texting Zayn.

Louis shrugs, "I don't know. I mean, I guess it could be cool to visit Zayn's hometown."

"But?" Liam puts away his phone, knowing the tone Louis is using.

"But," Louis adds, "I just feel so... alone. I feel empty, Liam! It's just, I can't keep going through the days by playing a game and moving onto the next city. I don't mind the travelling. But I wish that I had something constant... Something-"

"Something like a lover?" Louis looks up to see Zayn staring at them, a smirk on his face. "Is that it, Louis? Need some boy-toy for longer than a night?"

Liam slaps Zayn's arm, shooting him a disapproving look. Louis just rolls his eyes, "You know I don't do that one night stand shit."

"Sorry, man." Zayn apologizes, "But I'm right, though. You want some pretty boy that's your pretty boy."

Louis chuckles but nods. "Yeah, I guess you can put it like that." He shrugs, staring at the ground. "But I know that won't happen. Maybe one day, if I'm out of the spotlight, retired from football and all the rich people have forgotten about me. Then, maybe I can get someone who actually likes me."

The boys watch Louis, feeling bad for their friend. But there's nothing they can do about it. Zayn finally clears his throat, "How about when we win this game, me and Liam will go to Bradford for a few days and you can stay here and sort yourself out? Louis, we love you. And I know that you need to work on yourself. So you're going to go home after the game, take a long shower, and remember how amazing you are. You'll find someone who's perfect for you. Could be any day now."

"That was beautiful, Zayn." Louis remarks, "Thank you for the speech."

"Seriously, man!" Zayn calls out as Louis starts walking away from them. "Just believe in the magic of love and it'll find you!"

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