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"Haz, baby!" Louis calls out, pulling Harry back to him by the hips. "Come on, I know you want some!"

Harry giggles, trying to pull out of Louis' grasp. "No! I would never eat that shit! That's so gross!"

"Oh come on! Just try some!" Louis yanks Harry close, holding him with an arm around his waist. Louis reaches around with his other hand, easily being able to hold Harry still with the strength of only one of his arms. He brings up a spoon to Harry's face, fighting off Harry's swinging arms. He shoves the spoon into Harry's mouth, finally releasing him. "See? It's not so bad!"

Harry turns around, the creamy whiteness covered on his lips. He glares at Louis. "This shit would be better if it had sugar in it."

Louis laughs, "Yeah, well Coach hates it when I try to enjoy food, so he makes us buy healthy versions of stuff. Whip cream, but healthy. It's grown on me." Harry rolls his eyes, licking at his lips to get some of the cream off of his face. Louis' eyes stare down at his tongue. He subconsciously holds his breath as Harry only smears the whiteness over his pink lips. 

Louis gulps, Harry noticing where his eyes have been at. "Lou? You alright?" He asks teasingly. 

"Um, uh, yeah. Definitely!" Louis exclaims, adverting his eyes quickly.

Harry scoffs, gripping Louis' chin and yanking him into a hard kiss. Louis squeaks into it, but sighs in contentment when the taste of the whip cream enters his mouth. Louis reaches around Harry to grip his hips tightly.

"Are we interrupting?" Niall laughs in the doorway.

Harry and Louis jump away from each other. Harry's cheeks are pink when he notices Niall's hand over Marcel's eyes.

"Um, it's nothing!" Harry hurries toward them, lifting Marcel from Niall's grasp. "We were just..."

"Sharing the last carrot!" Louis finishes, booping Marcel on the nose. "But we can always go out and buy you some more carrots, love."

Marcel squeals and shakes his head. "No! Ouis! I don't wike carrots!"

"Aw, but, love! They're so yummy! I love little lads that eat carrots!" Louis argues playfully, winking at Harry slyly.

Marcel looks up at Louis, pausing in thought. "Well, okay. If Ouis wants me to eat carrots then I will..."

Harry smiles widely, clearly having relief in Marcel's compliance to eat something healthy. He adjusts Marcel on his hip and turns to Niall. "So, are you ready to go?"

Niall nods, "Yup, it's amazing that you can get us these tickets, Louis."

"My pleasure, mate." Louis answers, slapping him on the back. "I've always wanted to have someone in the crowd cheer me on. And no one's better at doing that than you and Marcy."

Sitting in the special VIP section of the stadium, Niall and Marcel jump up and down as Louis passes the ball to Zayn. Harry smiles lovingly down at the field, having a sense of pride enter his chest when his eyes gaze down onto Louis. Pride for how amazing of a man he has seemed to find himself with.

Niall screams louder than the whole stadium when Liam and Zayn do their iconic victory dance after scoring together. Marcel giggles and Harry turns red as other families of the teams look over at them.

Louis swings Marcel around in circles after he pulls him from Harry's arms when Harry stepped onto the field. The team just won, causing the whole stadium to erupt loudly. Louis holds Marcel on his hip, bouncing the lad lightly. He pulls Harry forward by a strong hand on his hip, yanking him against his lips.

"Congratulations, love." Harry murmurs against Louis' lips. 

"I just wanted to show off for you." Louis jokes, kissing Harry again. "By the way, you look hot as fuck in that outfit." He whispers the curse word to make sure Marcel can't hear it over the cheering. He slips his free hand down to pinch at Harry's bum, not caring that the crowd sees it. Harry blushes, reaching back to pull Louis' hand up to his hip instead.

Louis bought Harry a Tomlinson jersey, but one that was purposefully too small for Harry. It rides up his love handles, the neckline having a deep v-neck. Louis also bought him a tight pair of black booty shorts that squeeze his ass perfectly.

"Maybe later you can show me how hot I look..." Harry whispers in Louis' ear.

Louis grabs a handful of Harry's bum, squeezing tightly. Harry slaps his chest, glancing at the big screen that shows that a a camera had just caught the grab. Louis laughs, glancing back at his celebrating teammates.

Liam runs over, taking Marcel from Louis to swing him up in the air. The rest of the team cheer as Liam sets Marcel on the ground with a football in front of him. Liam and Zayn call for him to start running as Nick and Calum start mock chasing him to try to get the ball.

Harry and Louis watch lovingly as Nick and Calum pretend to try to get the ball from Marcel as Zayn and Liam run along side him. Marcel kicks the ball into the goal, it slowly rolling into the net. The big screen in the stadium catches Marcel's little jump from when the ball goes into the net. Zayn reaches down, picking up Marcel and throwing him up in victory.

The crowd that's still in the stadium cheers for the toddler, making him giggle and blush. Louis presses a kiss to Harry's cheek, holding him close under the gaze of hundreds.

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