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"H-Hurry, Haz!" Louis groans, tightening his fist in Harry's curls. He rocks his hips into Harry's mouth, relishing in the sound of Harry's gags.

Harry bobs his head, slurping and sucking as hard as he can. His fingers press into Louis' thighs, hoping he'll leave bruises that'll show when Louis wears his shorts during the game in a few days.

Louis sucks in a quick breath and whimpers loudly as he cums inside Harry's mouth. Harry easily swallows Louis' load, pulling off with a final lick.

"Done." Harry states, standing up. "Now pull up your pants before-"

The sound of the door's lock being twisted interrupts him. Louis hurries to yank up his jeans, zipping them up as soon as the door swings open.

When Zayn and Liam and Niall step inside, they all freeze with their eyes on Harry and Louis. Niall grimaces and tilts to the side so Marcel is facing away from the sight.

"We were just..." Louis trails off, glancing at Harry's red lips that let out pants of breath. "Playing hopscotch?"

"Well I never wanna walk in on your hopscotching again." Zayn quips, shoving past Louis to get to the kitchen. "Got any food? Niall hasn't stopped complaining since we got them from his apartment."

Liam nods, stepping into the kitchen while adding, "He says Marcel's hungry, but we all know he's not the one that's had the stomach grumbling for almost an hour."

Niall blushes, setting Marcel down and closing the door behind them. He shakes his head, "I'm telling you! It's the kid that's hungry!"

Marcel shakes his head, hurrying over to Louis' trophy case. Whenever they're at Louis' apartment, Marcel always spends as much time as he can admiring the trophies and awards.

Harry heads over to the kitchen, stepping in between the fridge and Zayn as he stands in front of it, trying to find something to eat. Harry grabs a few ingredients, pushing past Liam and Zayn to start cooking. They leave him be, heading over to the couch. Niall follows them, deciding to sit between them as it's the only space they left open.

Harry watches them, smiling to himself as Niall sits with his arms laid out behind both of the men, something he always joked he would do if he fancied someone. He doesn't notice when Louis steps up behind him until his hands are on Harry's hips.

Harry giggles as Louis swings his hips around, making him dance. Louis wraps his arms around Harry's waist from behind, hugging him tightly.

From over Harry's shoulder, Louis murmurs, "I love you."

"I love you, too." Harry whispers back, turning to peck a kiss on Louis' cheek.

Harry combs his hand through Louis' hair as Louis lays with his head on Harry's lap, facing the TV as they watch some Scooby-Doo movie. Niall and Marcel are entertained, so the rest of them put up with it. By this point, Zayn was leaning his head on Niall's shoulder, Liam's hand resting on Niall's thigh without any of them noticing. Marcel sits on Louis' stomach, bouncing when he gets excited from the movie.

"So it was the gardener?" Liam asks, glancing at Niall then Louis. 

Zayn rolls his eyes, "No! He was framed, it was actually the security guard."

"Oh... Okay, cool."

Harry laughs at the famous footballers trying to figure out Scooby-Doo. He pats Louis' shoulder, gaining his attention. "Hey, love?" Harry says quietly to not interrupt the movie. "Can I get up real quick?"

Louis nods, lifting his head so Harry can leave the couch. Harry heads towards Louis' bedroom, closing the door behind him. He leans against the closed door, eyes closed as he lets out a breath.

His hand goes up to his mouth, covering his lips as he scurries toward Louis' big fancy bathroom. Harry slips and slides on the tile floor, dropping to his knees in front of the toilet. He gags, retching up everything in his stomach into the porcelain bowl.

He loses track of time as he hangs over the toilet bow, knowing the exact reason for his hurling. One hand runs through his sweaty hair as the other rests on his pudgy tummy. He's gotten significantly bigger over the past few weeks, but hides it under sweaters. Harry's tummy isn't just from not working out in years anymore, but it's grown ever since he and Louis had made love all those weeks ago.

A pair of hands on Harry's back makes him hum in question. Louis' voice whispers in Harry's ear, "You alright, love?"

Harry nods, "Yeah, just felt it all of a sudden."

"Should we tell the boys?" Louis asks, pulling Harry's hair back. 

Harry nods, wiping at his mouth. "Yeah, Niall will be mad if we wait any longer to tell him."

"Liam and Zayn, too." Louis agrees, helping Harry stand. "Should we wait until Marcel's down for a nap?"

Harry nods, letting Louis help him wash his face and hands. "It shouldn't be long. He's always tired after playing with Zayn, Liam, and Niall."

They step back into the living room, noting how Marcel is fast asleep on Zayn's lap. Louis goes to pause the movie as the end credits roll. The guys watch him as Harry picks up Marcel and takes him over to Louis guest bedroom, where they have a tiny bed set up for Marcel for whenever they stay over.

Louis and Harry stand in front of the boys, being stared as curiously. They take each other hand-in-hand as Louis starts speaking, "We have something kind of important to tell you."

"What's up?" Liam asks, sitting straighter.

Harry's free hand runs over his tummy, smoothing out the fabric so his shape underneath can be visible. He smiles widely as he announces nervously, "I'm pregnant!"

The boys leap from the couch with loud shouts of glee. They crowd around Louis and Harry, pulling them into crushing hugs but being mindful around Harry's tummy. Liam and Zayn are rough with Louis though, shoving him and slapping him on the back for congratulations.

"This is amazing!" Niall boasts, hugging Harry. "I'm so happy for you, Hazza!" When pulling back from the hug, Niall's eyes catch Louis' and immediately darken. He pushes past Liam to grab Louis by his shirt. "I swear to god, if you ever do to him what that asshole did, I swear I'll fucking kill you!"

Liam and Zayn pull at Niall but his grip is firm on Louis. Harry hurries to try to calm Niall, "Ni, it's okay! He's not like... He's not like him! He hasn't left yet! A-And he won't... Right, Lou?"

Louis nods, looking past Niall to gaze into Harry's eyes. "I'd never leave him. Ever, Haz. I promise."

Niall lets go, ignoring the amazed stares at his strong biceps from Zayn and Liam. He nods at Louis, "You better keep that promise."

"I will."

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