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Louis waits outside Harry's apartment, tapping his steering wheel as he waits for the little family. He had gone home and had a proper shower before he got ready with a black button-up, rolled up his arms to show off his tattoos, a grey blazer to carry around, and black slacks.

He glances toward the doors of the apartment building, doing a double take when he spots the man with the boy on his hip. Louis' eyes get stuck on Harry, his mouth dropped open.

Harry's curls are cupping his face beautifully, angelically even. And his full bum is squeezed into a tight pair of white skinny trousers that are flared at the bottom, his curved waist being tightly shown off by the white belt. His chest is being displayed by the halfway-unbuttoned dark purple shirt tucked into his trousers. He's wearing heeled white boots, something he hasn't worn in years. He decided on putting glittering lip gloss on, it only being noticeable up close.

Marcel, however, was adorable. He is wearing a tiny red sweater vest with little black slacks, kept on by tiny black suspenders. His glasses are on right, for once not being sideways. His curls styled nicely on his head. His thumb in his mouth, he holds his head against Harry's shoulder.

Louis stays silent as Harry settles Marcel in the car seat in the back. His eyes never leave Harry's face, completely captivated by the man's beauty.

Harry slides into the passenger seat, putting on his seatbelt and looking up to smile at Louis. "What" Harry asks, a shy but curious smile on.

Louis swallows, letting himself smile. He mutters in awe, "You're just so beautiful..."

Harry blushes, "Thank you, Lou. You look very handsome, too."

Louis turns toward the road, his smile never leaving. "I have an amazing plan for us tonight, love. You two are going to love it."

Louis parks outside a big building, stepping out and handing his keys to a valet. He goes around the car to help get Marcel out of the seat. He unbuckles the boy as Harry watches him with adoration. Marcel holds onto Louis, happy to be in the arms of his hero.

Louis carries Marcel inside, holding hands with Harry. Harry looks around the room, a big dining hall with chandeliers and other fancy dressed people. He gets pulled along by Louis, admiring the nice room.

"So what is this?" Harry asks as Louis sits down at a table.

Louis holds Marcel on his lap, bouncing the boy lightly to make him giggle. "It's a charity banquet that my coach hosts every year."

"What's the charity for?"

"Mmm, it changes often. Sometimes it's for hospitals, sometimes it's for homeless shelter, and sometimes it's like animal shelters and veterinarians. This year I think it's for poverty in a foreign country. I'm not sure what country though."

Harry gazes at Louis, his glossy lips put in a soft grin. "You come to these every year?" Louis nods. "You donate?"

Louis laughs, looking away for a moment. He nods, still looking away from Harry. "Yeah, um, I'm actually-"

"Louis Tomlinson! Our biggest contributor!" A woman calls out, strutting toward them with her arms out for a hug. 

Louis stands up, holding Marcel on his hip as he hugs the woman. Harry looks at her, admiring her posh hair and makeup and her long white dress. Louis pulls back with a bright smile, "Hey, Florence! How've you been?"

"Oh, you know how it is. I had to do a lot of the planning for this because you've stolen my husband for that team of yours." Florence tells him, sipping from some champagne. She glances at Marcel and coos, "Aw, who's this little cutie." She smiles brightly at the young boy, making him giggle and shy away.

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