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Harry thrusts against his pillow, drooling on the fabric as he makes slow movements. He squeezes his eyes shut, moaning slightly at the feeling.

"Mmm, Lou..." He murmurs, gripping the sheets harshly just as he jolts awake. He gasps, revolted by his own dream. "Oh shit!" He rubs a hand through his tangled hair, staring down at the pillow he was humping in his sleep.

A loud laugh erupts from behind him. Harry jerks around to see Niall almost doubled over as he cackles.

"Oh mate, that was amazing!" Niall cries out.

"Niall!" Harry shouts, "Get out! What the hell?"

Niall ignores him, walking forward to sit on the edge of the bed. He pats Harry's leg and says, "So I assume the date went well last night?" He wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk, "How far did you two get?"

"Niall!" Harry shouts again, "That's an inappropriate thing to ask!" Niall shrugs and Harry rolls his eyes, "And... we didn't do anything besides dinner." He bites his lip, putting his head in his hands as he recalls the end of the night. "Oh my god, Niall! He was going to kiss me! Louis Tomlinson was going to kiss me!"

"Woah, what do you mean was going to?"

"I... I stopped him." Harry rubs his forehead in regret and worry. "I told him I wasn't ready."

"Are you?"

Harry looks up at Niall, hesitating as he tries to find the words to answer Niall's sincere question. "I don't really know. I uh, I don't think I am. Like, I want to! I really would love to kiss him. And so much more really." Harry blushes, "But I'm scared."

"Why, love?"

"The last time someone was interested in me, the last time a man claimed that he loved me, he left. He left when I needed him most. What if, what if Louis doesn't really like me? What if he hurts me? I can't go through that again, Niall! Please, I don't want to do that again!"

As Harry sobs, Niall comes forward to cuddle him. He pulls Harry up onto his lap, leaning against the headboard to get comfortable enough to support the man's weight. He pets through Harry's hair as Harry wets Niall's shirt with his tears.

"I know, Haz. I know it hurts." Niall tells him, "But if you live your life being afraid of the people around you, you won't be free to be happy. By the way he looks at you, I can tell that Louis genuinely likes you. I never knew Marcel's father, but I bet that he never looked at you like that. Plus, he was just one asshole. Not every guy is like that. Trust me, Louis deserves a chance. Did he try to kiss you after you said no?"

Harry shakes his head, "No."

"Did he try to put his hands somewhere you weren't comfortable with?"

Harry shakes his head, "No."

"Did he talk over you? Tell you something strange about himself that shouldn't be shared on the first date? Get upset at you at any point for nothing worth it?"

"No!" Harry leans against Niall's chest, rubbing at his eyes. "He's perfect! And that might be the problem, Ni."

"Why is that?"

"Cause I'm not." Harry pouts, sniffing a bit. "I don't think I'm good enough for him. He's gorgeous! He's fit and athletic and so fucking hot! And I'm pudgy and flabby and I have a belly and my hair's too curly!"

"Haz, baby," Niall says, pulling Harry even closer. He rubs Harry's arm, pulling the younger man to adjust on his lap. "You are perfect! Just the way you are! And Louis sees that! He may have abs and huge biceps and all that shit! But look at you! You're freaking gorgeous, Harry! You may not se it, but trust me, people love your fat ass and curls!"

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