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"He's literally so perfect!" Louis sighs into the phone. "He's so pretty, guys! And he's so sweet! I've already taken him out three times ever since we met. To dinner, then to breakfast, and last night we went to see a movie. And we just hung out afterward, for hours we just talked."

Liam and Zayn smile as they listen to their best friend boast about his new fling. "Louis," Liam starts, "That's really great!"

"Yeah, he sounds awesome!" Zayn agrees.

"I really really like him!" Louis tries to keep from giving giddy giggles as he lays on his bed like a schoolgirl.

Zayn pushes Liam out of the way so he can ask, "Did ya fuck him yet?"

Louis groans, rolling his eyes. "No, Zayn. I haven't. We're taking things slow."

"Slow?" Liam repeats, "That doesn't seem like you."

"Well, Harry asked me if we could take things kinda slow. And of course I agreed! He's too amazing to lose over something like that."

"But you two have been together for like, long enough!" Zayn grumbles, "You've never gone this long without having sex, Louis! You're going to explode!"

"Oi, shut up!" Louis tells him, "I don't care about having sex with him! I mean, of course I want to. I'd literally love to! But if I have to wait years for it, I will. I care about him, not just his pretty face and nice ass."

"When are you going to see him again?" Liam asks, pushing Zayn away.

"Uh, I'm not sure yet. He has work today and Coach wanted me to come in for some practice today." Louis sighs, checking the time on his expensive watch. "I gotta head out now. Are you coming back tonight or tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." Zayn answers, "We should get back in time for practice."

"Good, Coach'll be mad if he's missing two of his best players."

"At least he still has his best." Liam scoffs, "You could take a whole team by yourself and you know it."

"Well yeah, but then I'd get lonely!" Louis pouts, "Ooh! Harry texted me! Bye!"

Louis hangs up quickly and opens the text notification.

Hey Lou!

Hello love ❤️

I'm on my way to work and I was wondering if 
you'd like to visit your favorite barista when you
have a break from practice???

Louis knew Harry was probably shaking and blushing as he typed that out. It makes Louis' heart flutter.

Call me love. I wanna hear your voice

Harry's call pops up on Louis' screen and he quickly answers.

"Hello, gorgeous!" Louis sits up on his bed, looking around his room to try to find his shoes so he can head out to practice soon.

"Hi, Lou!" Harry giggles, "How has your morning been?"

"Pretty good. It just got better." Louis purrs into the phone, imagining Harry's awkward and shy reaction. "What time do you work from?"

"Nine to six."

"Is Niall picking up Marcel?"

"Yeah, thank you for thinking about him. It means a lot." Harry stays silent for a moment, the sound of traffic coming over the line. "Oh shit!"

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