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"You alright, love?"

"Do I look like I'm alright?"

"You're still just as beautiful as always."

Harry glares at Louis, purposefully squeezing his hand harder. Louis winces, but just continues his encouraging smile.

Harry lays his head back, cringing at the unbelievable cramps he's getting. He utters out, "You know, last time I was all alone. I had never done this before. I was just a kid. That was obviously much harder, but it was less risky last time." He pauses, looking up to Louis' eyes. "I'm only 32 weeks, Lou. Marcel made it the whole 40!"

"I know, love, I know." Louis smooths Harry's hair away from his face. "It's just all the stress you've faced in the last few months, but don't worry now. Everything will be alright."

Harry nods, closing his eyes. "I'm ready," He whispers, "I'm ready, Lou."

"It'll be okay. You're not alone this time, I promise."

"Told you it'd be my goddaughter." Niall muses, sitting by Harry's side.

Harry just rolls his eyes and looks back down to his daughter. He admires her pretty, and familiar, blue eyes. Her tiny hand is wrapped around his hospital gown.

"Lou?" Harry murmurs, "Could you get Marcel up here?"

Louis moves from his spot on Harry's bed, walking over to where Zayn holds Marcel. He takes the boy from his best friend and walks him back over to Harry.

Louis sets Marcel on the bed, showing him the baby. "Do you know who that is, Marcel?"

Marcel shakes his head, crawling closer. Harry holds out his hand, taking Marcel's and placing it on the baby's. He says to his little boy, "This is your new baby sister, Olivia."

"Ivia?" Marcel questions, scooting closer to the baby. "She like football, Ouis?" He peeks up at Louis, a curious tilt to his head.

Louis just smiles and responds, "Well I don't know yet, love. But she'll need a good teacher for when she's ready. You think you can do that?"

Marcel nods, confidently. He boops Olivia on the nose and whispers to her, "I'll share my cheese with you, Ivia."

Harry shares a smile with Louis. Zayn, Liam, and Niall stand together at the other side of the room, watching the sweet family.

Niall pulls Zayn in by an arm around his waist, murmuring over his shoulder, "So... Are we next?"

Zayn scoffs, shoving Niall away. "Niall-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Niall mumbles, leaning against Liam instead.

Louis perks up at those words, looking to the group. "Are you thinking about-"

"No!" Liam exclaims, "No, we're not." He side glares at Niall. "Niall's just... excitable."

Harry gives a knowing smile at Niall. Niall dramatically shrugs and exasperates out, "I guess I'll just have to put a ring on it." He sighs but keeps a smirk, "Speaking of which..." He glances at Liam, getting handed a tiny black box. "Marcel?"

Marcel leaps off the bed, catching himself somehow and hurrying to Niall. He takes the box and goes over to Louis. Louis lifts him back onto the bed, smiling at the wide eyed look Harry gives him.

"Daddy," Marcel says as he opens the box toward himself. "Ouis wouldn't get the one made from sweets, but at least this one's pretty."

He hands the box to Louis, getting a kiss on the curls from him. Louis puts his eyes on Harry, smiling softly. With their baby still in Harry's arms, and their other baby sitting beside them, Louis turns the box to Harry.

"I've already asked you what you would do if I were to ask you this question. However, I never seem to have gotten an answer." He pauses, taking a moment to admire Harry's perfect pink lips, his bright green eyes, his flawless pale skin, his dark curls. "You're my one, true love. I never thought I'd find someone as perfect as you. I'd truly be the stupidest man in the world if I let you go."


"Will you marry me?"

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