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Louis pushes Harry backward, forever grateful to Niall for taking Marcel home. Louis reaches over to unlock the door, throwing it open. Harry almost slips through it but quickly realizes the door he was against is gone now. He pushes at Louis' chest, turning around to peer at the huge room.

"Wow..." He mutters in awe.

"I didn't bring you here to sightsee." Louis jokes, wrapping his arms around Harry from behind.

Harry ignores him, taking in the expensive sight. A huge living room, all of the furniture is black and white, very modern. A flat screen TV the size of Harry's bedroom wall is surrounded by two L shaped couches. The floor is dark hardwood, no dust or dirt anywhere in sight. One wall is just a window, showing half the city from the height. There's a whole trophy case with golden awards on it. Framed photos of Louis, his family, Zayn and Liam.

"This place is amazing! You're the only one who lives here?" Harry wonders, stroking Louis' hand that lays on his stomach.

Louis kisses the back of Harry's neck. "Yeah, I had the money to spend so I bought a penthouse. It gets lonely though."

Harry turns around to kiss Louis on the lips. "How big is your bed?"

"Now we're talking..."

Louis lifts Harry easily, using Harry's bum as a grip. Harry's legs wrap around Louis' waist, his hands grabbing onto Louis' shoulders. They press their lips together, their tongues in each other's mouths.

Harry grinds his bum against Louis' crotch. Louis massages the plumpness of Harry's bum, squeezing it tightly in his strong hands. Louis walks them toward a door, pressing Harry against it as he thrusts upwards. Harry whines into Louis' mouth, tangling his hands in Louis' hair.

Louis gets a good grip on Harry's ass before reaching one hand under him to twist the doorknob. He swings open the bedroom door, carrying Harry through.

Louis kneels onto the bed, setting Harry down carefully on his back. Harry smiles into a kiss while Louis moans happily. Louis rubs his hands up and down Harry's thighs. They roll around the bed, Harry sitting up to straddle Louis' waist.

"I love you." Harry murmurs against Louis' lips.

"I love you, too." Louis grips Harry's love handles tightly, squeezing the soft skin. He bucks his hips upward, gaining the sweet friction off of Harry's ass. Harry sits up, arching his back as he grinds on Louis' crotch. Louis reaches toward Harry's waistband. He pulls them down slightly, "Take these off, love."

Harry scootches around and flings off his shorts. He moves his hands to Louis' sweatpants, tugging them down his legs. Louis sits up to pull off his own shirt. Harry grabs at his own shirt, pausing.

He drops himself onto the bed, sitting there in silence for a moment. He runs his fingers over the fabric of his jersey, staring down at his hands. 

"Um, Lou?" Harry mutters, his voice fragile and his face soft.

Louis sits up, reaching out to place his hand on Harry's knees. "What's wrong, love?" He asks, suddenly very concerned.

Harry swallows thickly, refusing eye contact with Louis. He clears his throat and murmurs out, "It's just... It's been a long time since I've done this. And the last time I did, it didn't end so great. I mean, I don't regret it, obviously. But my whole family did leave me after that so..."

"I understand, Hazza." Louis rubs Harry's knee with a comforting smile. "I won't force you into anything, love. We can take it slow. Or we could just stop right here if you wanted."

Harry shakes his head, finally looking up to Louis' eyes. "No, I want to. I just... Can we go slow?"

Louis smiles and nods, "Of course, my love." He  reaches out, touching lightly at Harry's shirt. He grips it an pulls it up slowly. Harry lets him take it off, his arms moving subconsciously to hide his chest. He shivers as Louis' eyes roam his torso. "You're gorgeous, baby." Louis insists, "Perfect in every single way."

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