The Shrinking Accident

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Will and Sam stare silently at the six bots. only one of the six is normal sized. they all appear alright except, they're just, smaller.

"Wheeljack... what... what happened?" Sam asks.

"um... I'm... I'm not sure. I had a new bomb I was working on and it exploded while I was out getting parts." Wheeljack trails.

"you idiot!" Ratchet snaps, glaring up at Wheeljack. he pulls back and kicks his bonded as hard as he can in the leg, but it doesn't seem to affect Wheeljack.

"you stupid fragger! look what you did to us!" Ironhide snaps.

"everyone relax." Optimus attempts to soothe them.

"relax? OP, have you seen us? we're two foot tall!" Jazz frowns. Bumblebee walks himself over to Sam and smiles up at him a little.

"you're so cute! look at you Bee!" Sam grins, scooping the mech up happily. Bumblebee chuckles, nuzzling up under his chin happily, his door wings fluttering happily. he doesn't seem at all bothered by the loss of height as long as he has Sam.

"well, what do we do?" Will asks, looking around.

"it's gonna take me a few hours, maybe a few days to fix this." Wheeljack says.

"well... you guys can come stay with me." Will assures. Cade comes running over to them.

"hey anyone seen Optimus- oh." Cade pauses, slowing to a jog. he comes to a stop in front of the Prime, looking utterly shocked. Optimus tilts his head back and smiles up at him a little.

"hello Cade." Optimus waves.

"what the fuck?" Cade mutters, kneeling in front of the Prime.

"I apologize for my appearance. Wheeljack will be working on it." Optimus frowns.

"we're gathering them and taking them to my house." Will says. "you're welcome to come with. I have two spare rooms." Will adds.

"sure. Tessa's away at college and I don't have anything else to do." Cade says. "and I'd hate to just leave you with all of them." Cade frowns, standing up. Will nods.

"come on Sam. you and Bee are coming too." Will snorts, heading for the hanger. he's followed by the four bots and the two humans.

he easily signs out the truck Ironhide scans, from the hanger.

"alright everyone in the truck." Will says. Sam climbs up into the backseat, still holding his guardian happily, Bumblebee doesn't seem to mind. Cade helps Optimus, Jazz and Ratchet into the backseat. Cade climbs up and scoops up Optimus, cuddling him with a smile. the Prime chuckles softly and lets him. he has no problem letting his charge hold him, especially since Cade seems to like it.

Will sighs watching his own guardian stuggle to get in the vehicle. he reaches to help him but Ironhide swats at his hand.

"come on Hide, don't be like this, let me help you in." Will huffs.

"if you touch me I'll blast your ass across the desert with my cannon! don't fucking touch me!" Ironhide snaps, attempting to climb into the truck.

"I'm not watching this." Will mutters, rolling his eyes. he grabs his tiny guardian and tosses him into the passenger seat, buckling the Autobot up. Will shuts the door and climbs into the driver seat. "alright here we go guys." Will says, heading off.

despite the mumbling, groaning, and the occasional uncomfortable whimper (mostly from Bumblebee), they easily make it back to Lennox farm. figures the Autobots would get carsick, they'd never ridden in a vehicle before.

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