Revival of a friend Noah/Mirage

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its been two months since the battle of Peru. Noah, with help from the Joe's, rented out a garage to live in.

he's currently sitting in the floor a metal covered blue orb settled in his lab carefully. he's got his legs crossed so the orb doesn't touch the floor. there's a engine manuel on 964-Gen Porsche 911, sitting on the floor in front of him. there's metal parts from the suit and scrap that Reek had managed to gather for him, strewn around the area. he has one hand on the book, reading through it carefully, attempting to find where he could place the precious blue orb to revive his best friend. his other hand is gently caressing the orb.


Noahs subconscious corrects. Optimus had told him the orb he'd pulled from the suit of whats left of Mirage, was Mirages life force, his spark.

its storming outside and a loud crack of thunder has him gently clutching the glowing orb.

"don't worry Mirage. its just some thunder." Noah murmurs softly. Mirage hated thunder. Noah wipes at his face with the hand not holding Mirages spark. he's sweaty and he has tears running down his cheeks. he's desperately trying to keep it together. but the list of parts and prices just slightly to his left has him worried about failure due to lack of money. he's not sure what to do. he refuses to give up. Mirage and the other Autobots are counting on him, but even with the few parts Reek managed to collect, he'll still need a few thousand dollars worth of parts.

he drops his hand, curling around the spark in his lap gently.

"what do I do 'Raj? I don't know if I can fix you." Noah says softly.

you can do it.

the voice of his basically dead friend floats through his head. nothing unusual these days. Mirages voice had come to him almost as soon as he'd started working on fixing him.

"I can't." Noah sniffles.

call for help. you don't have to do it alone.

Noah nods, carefully getting up off the floor. he places the spark on his work desk, on his folded up sweater, under a small lamp to keep it warm. Noah isn't sure if he needs it or not, but he points the lamp carefully onto the spark. he immediately picks up the receiver of the phone on his desk, given to him by the Joe's, and calls the one person he knows that can get ahold of some help. Charlie Watson.

"Watson house hold." the chipper voice answers.

"I need Bumblebee's help.." Noah says. Bumblebee introduced him to Charlie, behind Optimus' back, in hopes his friend could and would help Noah fix MIrage.

"Noah? are you at the garage?" Charlie asks.

"yeah." Noah mutters.

"I'll tell him to head over there, he's in the garage, knocked his bumper off again, y'know?" Charlie laughs. Noah doesn't laugh. "oh... right... don't worry. I'll send him right over, take care of yourself, alright?" Charlie ask.

"yeah, thanks." Noah mumbles, hanging up. he plops into his chair, slamming hsi head onto his desk, glancing over slightly at the spark.

the glow seems to shimmer under his gaze.

"do you think he'll show?" Noah asks softly.

he promised he would if you needed help.

Noah nods sniffling slightly.

"right. right he did." Noah murmurs. it thunders again, rattling the garage. Noah sits up immediately, reaching for the spark. "don't worry about the storm." Noah says softly.

worried? hey, I'm Mirage I don't get worried over storms.

"yeah, like you didn't get scared when Cheetor tackled you?" Noah teases.

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