Sick days (Noah and Mirage)

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it had started three days ago. Noah and Mirage had been in the garage, chatting. Noah was bent over his desk working intently on some piece of junk electronic one of his neighbors had brought over.

Mirage was standing behind him ranting about Optimus and some mission he'd done. he'd been ranting for the past four hours, an attempt to keep Noah from thinking about his little brother being back in the hospital. Kris was getting treatment and would be in the hospital for a few days to a week, their mother would be with him, so Noah had intended to stay in the garage with Mirage.

Mirage only paused in his ranting when Noah dropped one of his tools, jumped up from his seat and took off towards the trash can in the garage, leaving Mirage calling for him sounding confused and worried. he watched the tan man leave of the can, gripping the sides, and start making an awful noise.

thats how he ended up in bipedal mode, sitting on the ground staring at his partner curled up on the garage couch under the thickest blanket Mirage could find in the garage, looking pale and shaking. his poor boy had gotten sick. Mirage isn't entirely sure what to do.

"look Noah, its been three days, I think its time I take you up to the hospital with Tails." Mirage frowns slightly. Noah shakes his head.

"n-no way man." Noah mumbles, sniffling quietly. he lets out a harsh cough, his throat is already raw and talking hurts. "mi mamá doesn't need to worry about me too 'Raj." Noah mumbles. he curls up more under the blanket, coughing quietly into the blanket once more. Mirage frowns.

"Noah, you won't eat, you're cold, and you're not getting any better." Mirage frowns. "and your stomach does that weird thing when you move to much so I can't take you back to your apartment." Mirage adds.

"puking. s'called puking Mirage." Noah mutters. "a-an I can't eat what you're bringing me. s'too heavy." Noah mumbles.

"heavy? it didn't way that much to me. it all weighed the same." Mirage says, confused.

"no, no de esa manera." Noah mumbles. "I mean, s'too heavy on my stomach. I'm sick. I can't eat a hamburger Mirage." Noah says, shifting on the couch. "need lighter foods, like s-soups or crackers or somethin'." Noah mumbles quietly. Mirage pauses thinking a moment. he nods getting up and walking over to him. Noah looks up at him with cloudy eyes, looking confused. Mirage leans over him and adjusts the blanket carefully, tucking it tightly around Noah.

"well, you just stay right here, I'll be back." Mirage smiles, heading back over to his spot. he uses his holoprojector to open the garage door, after transforming, and heads out of the garage. he's careful to leave quietly because he knows Noah has a bad headache and he doesn't want to make it worse. Noah watches him go, blinking after him as the door closes.

"where the fuck else would I go?" Noah mumbles to himself. he coughs and curls up more. the garage is colder now that Mirage has left, the mech had been purposefully keeping the garage warmer, thankfully his alt mode didn't put off the same fumes, or at least the same amount as a normal car. Noah lets his eyes flutter shut sleepily. he just needs a few more days to recover, he knows he'll be fine.

Noah shifts and mumbles softly, slowly blinking his eyes open. Mirage is standing over him smiling. he's in his smaller bipedal form. the one thats about 2 foot taller than Noah,, standing proudly at a 7'2. his excess parts are laying on the ground nearby, Noah wasn't sure how the mech managed to drop them without waking him, but it didn't matter. what did matter though, was the bag in his servo. whatever is in it smells delicious, and Noahs upset, but empty, stomach growls. Noah looks confused, slowly sitting up.

"'Raj?" Noah mutters. Mirage smiles at him, holding the bag out with a grin.

"I got you soup." Mirage grins. Noah looks more confused.

"h-huh?" Noah asks. its the only thing his brain can form.

"well I was talking to Tails-" Mirage starts.

"you told Kris I was sick?" Noah ask.

"well, I didn't know what I could get you. so Kris told me where to get your favorite and I went for it. sorry I was gone for so long, I got a little lost... they move buildings and weren't at the address Kris gave me." Mirage says. he holds the bag out closer to Noah. "here." he smiles. Noah shakily takes the bag, though Mirages servo carefully trails after the bag. Noahs weak from his illness and the soup could be heavy to him considering the four bowls of soup heavy.

"you got me soup?" Noah asks through a coughing fit. Mirage nods, smiling. Noah gives a shaky smile and opens the bag carefully. Mirage takes the extra soups and puts them in Noahs mini fridge. thankfully Noah had a small microwave in the garage too. Mirage walks back over, smiling.

"and I got some movies from your room to watch too. I know you keep your favorites in there." Mirage smiles.

"y'broke int' my apartment?" Noah asks, looking up at him.

"you still don't lock that window, but don't worry, I checked that all your doors and windows were locked." Mirage smiles at him. he grabs one of the tapes and throws it into the tv, before sitting on the couch beside Noah. Noah blinks at him, before sipping his soup. his stomach doesn't feel the best, but the little bit of soup does make it feel better. Noah sighs immediately, feeling relieved. he leans over against Mirage, the mech has been using extra energy to keep his frame warm enough to keep Noah warm. "you okay?" Mirage asks.

"thanks." Noah murmurs softly, nuzzling up against the mechs arm plating. Mirage smiles at him, watching him sip the soup. "makes m'throat feel better too." Noah murmurs. his voice is still gravelly, but it doesn't hurt has bad as it had before.

"well, I'll go and get all the soup you need f it makes you feel better." Mirage smiles at him. Noah coughs a little, barely managing to not spill his soup. Mirages servo immediately shoots out and grabs the soup cup to prevent spilling the hot soup all over them.

"s-sorry." Noah mutters.

"not worried about it." Mirage smiles, reassuringly. he shifts, wrapping an arm around his weak partner. "you just drink your soup and get better." Mirage grins. Noah nods slightly, leaning into his side more and taking the cup of soup back. he'd be better in a matter of days.

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