Accidents happen (Noah/Mirage)

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Mirages holoform is silent, staring at the man laying in the hospital bed, bandages around his head. his face was bruised up and he had yet to regain consciousness. he's been out for nearly 2 days. Mirage reaches over and gently brushes the little bit of hair sticking out of Noahs bandages. Kris and Brianna are sleeping in a chair nearby. Kris knows exactly who Mirage is, but their mother thinks Mirages holoform, Marco, is a GI Joe and Noahs boyfriend.

no one had ever meant for this to happen. Mirage, Bumblebee, and Arcee were always careful when Noah, or Joes, were around. Optimus was generally pretty careful, but really only towards Noah. Noah had proved himself worthy of trust, other humans had not.

they'd all been in the warehouse, chatting. Noah had just finished building Mirage 6 weeks ago, so the Autobots were enjoying the younger bots energetic presence. it had just been Arcee, Bumblebee, and Mirage, along with Noah horsing around in the warehouse, Optimus had been out.

Optimus had rolled in rather quickly, not paying attention, and transformed. no one had a chance to move. the Prime certainly never meant to hurt Noah, it would never be is intention. he hadn't meant to catch Noah in the head with a sharp edge of his armor, slashing open the mans forehead. he hadn't meant to smack Noah across the warehouse with enough force to bruise his face, leaving indentations from his armor imprinted on the mans fleshy face. he hadn't meant for Noah to go flying through nearby boxes and slam hard against the wall before slumping to the floor, busted his head open on the wall and slashing his back open on exposed screws and nails. he hadn't meant to hit the man so hard he broke two ribs, he hadn't meant to hit him at all.

Optimus hadn't been paying attention. he'd recieved word that Ratchet had landed in Peru and Stratusphere was headed to get him. he'd simply overlooked Noah on accident.

Mirage heaves a quiet sigh through his nose, watching Noah lay in the hospital bed unconscious and unmoving was awful. his face was black and blue with a huge mark across his face from the Primes transformation seam, along with other details from his armor, both of Noahs eyes are swollen shut, the bandages around his head are bloody and covering his stitches. his neck is in a brace and bruised, his ribs wrapped tightly to prevent more damage.

the silver haired holoform is holding Noahs hand tightly, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of it, like he'd seen Brianna do.

"you're gonna be okay Noah." Mirage says softly. Noah moans quietly, not unusual for him. he moaned or groan occasionally in his unconscious state. what gets Mirages attention is when Noahs hand tightens around Mirages.

"¿mamá? ¿Eres tu? me duele la cabeza." Noah murmurs. the tension melts from Mirages form immediately.

"Noah?" Mirage asks softly. Noah looks confused.

"'Raj?" Noah ask.

"yeah partner, its me." Mirage murmurs. Noahs left eye opens just slightly and his brown eye glances over at Mirage.

"wha happen?" Noah mumbles. Mirage clears his throat slightly and shifts in his chair.

"Prime got too close to you when he transformed. he knocked you pretty good with his arm. hurt you pretty badly." Mirage says.

Mirage had immediately blown up on Optimus, screaming at him while running over to Noah. "NOAH! WHAT THE FUCK PRIME!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?" he'd ranted at the Prime in Cybertronian while he dug Noah out of the debris, carefully scooping him up. he'd ignore the blood covering his armor and Optimus' immediate apology, and transformed around Noah.

he had yet to talk to the other Autobots, shutting his com off and ignore Optimus' and others attempts to reach out. Ratchet wanted him back at the base to look over him, but Mirage didn't care.

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