Where is it from?

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Rise of the Beasts Mirage and Noah story. Can be seen as either Mirage/Noah Diaz (romance) or Mirage and Noah Diaz (bromance)

3 months after Noah puts Mirage back together, the mech was living in Reeks garage. Reek had, so kindly, rented the garage out to Noah so he and Mirage could live happily. his mother wasn't the happiest about it, but Noah was only a 10 minute walk away, so she eventually agreed.

Noah hadn't thought about Peru, thats a lie. Noah thought constantly about Peru. he had consistent nightmares about it, but having Mirage there made them so much easier.

but Noah still had one question. it was a question that he'd only recently thought about, when he'd found the mini-gun Mirage had given him, while unpacking boxes.

where did it come from?

Noah stares at it silently, until he feels a hand on his shoulder. its large and metal, but its not like it could be anyone other than Mirage.

"hey man, thinking about Peru again?" Mirage asks.

"sort of." Noah mumbles. Mirage tilts his head, metal plates shifting and gears groaning as he reverts to a size, a foot bigger than Noah. he gently turns Noahs chair around, watching him worriedly.

"hey, wanna talk about it?" Mirage ask softly.

"nothing bad." Noah assures. Mirage looks a little confused.

"well, I'm still here if you want to talk about it." Mirage says, shooting him a small smile. he turns to walk away.

"h-hey Mirage?" Noah asks.

"hmm?" Mirage asks, turning back to face him.

"hey, um, y'know I was thinking, I know you said not to ask but I'm curious, y'know? I thought I'd ask, but it seems kinda stupid now-" Noah starts.

"hey, Noah, just ask man. we're bros." Mirage smiles.

"I... where did that thing come from?" Noah asks.

"huh?" Mirage asks, immediately looking confused. Noah turns and grabs the hand weapon holding it out to Mirage.

"you told me not to ask, but I gotta know... I spend 8 months putting you back together and forgot all about this thing, is it something, ¿importante?" Noah asks, hesitantly. Mirage looks at him, then to the weapon, then immediately bursts out into laughter. Noahs face turns bright red. "I-I'm being serious man!" Noah huffs. Mirage chuckles and shakes his head, waving Noah off gently.

"don't panic over it, man, you really worried about that?" Mirage laughs. "look Noah, its part of, er well it was an insignificant part of my armor don't worry on that." Mirage assures, sitting carefully on Noahs desk.

"but what if-" Noah starts. Mirage gently covers Noahs mouth with his servo.

"no. its nothing important and when you rebuilt me, it got replaced." Mirage assures.

"so... so you're okay right? its not causing any issues with you not having it?" Noah ask. Mirage shakes his head.

"nope." he grins, popping the 'p' and chuckling. "even if it was, like I said, you already replaced it, along with every other part of me." Mirage winks. a dark look immediately clouds Noahs eyes.

Mirage wouldn't have needed fixing if Noah hadn't needed help. it was Noahs fault. he can't help his line of thinking. he wonders how Mirage doesn't hate him, how he could've agreed to stay with him in this garage.

"hey, don't do that. I know what you're thinking. we've talked about this, it wasn't your fault Noah, I'd do it again in a sparkbeat." Mirage promises, gripping his shoulders gently. he smiles at Noah a little, watching the man stare back at him. Noah looks unsure and guilty, but Mirage squishes him to his chest in a careful hug. its an awkward hug, since Mirage is sitting on Noahs desk. he has to drag Noah to his feet to hug him and it ends with Noahs face dug into the hard metal between his headlights and directly over his spark. "I would do it again. every time." Mirage promises gently. Noah nods a little against him.

he steps back when Mirage finally lets him go, sitting back down in his chair.

"right. right." Noah mutters. he picks up the weapon from the floor, looking it over. its still a beautiful silver and blue, just as it was when Mirage gave it to him. "you never answered my question." Noah frowns, looking back up at him.

"what question?" Mirage asks, sounding as though he's actually forgotten the question. Noah snorts a little, rolling his eyes. it wouldn't surprise him if MIrage had actually forgotten his original question.

"what part of your body did this thing come from?" Noah asks, watching him. the only answer he gets is Mirages laughter ringing through the garage.

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