Don't want to be alone (Noah x Mirage)

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Mirage shifts gently, running his fingers through Noahs hair gently. they're laying quiet and sticky in Noahs bed in his familys apartment. his mother and brother would be at the hospital for a few days for testing, his mother had sent him home saying he wasn't needed. Noah had immediately invited Mirage over for a bit of fun.

Mirage is in his shrunken form, laying on his side on Noahs bed. the naked man has his face buried in Mirages abdominal plating, arms wrapped around one of Mirages thighs.

"hey 'Raj?" Noah mumbles after sometime. Mirage blinks, looking down, confused. he'd thought his lover was asleep.

"yeah?" Mirage asks, innocently playing with the sticky mess on his plating.

"how long can you hold this form?" Noah asks softly.

"maybe another hour or so." Mirage murmurs, softly.

"what about your holoform thing?" Noah asks. Mirage shrugs.

"probably two maybe three hours. why?" Mirage ask. Noah hugs his leg tighter to his chest, Mirage is careful not to pinch delicate skin between his plating.

"I dunno... just hate being alone in this apartment." Noah murmurs softly. Mirage frowns and gently pulls his leg free.

"here let me up." Mirage murmurs. Noah looks confused, but lets go. the mech carefully climbs over him and heads for the bathroom. he comes back after a few moments, cleaned up, with a rag in servo. "here clean up." Mirage smiles. Noah nods a little and sits himself up on the bed, cleaning himself up.

the moment he's clean, Mirage throws a set of boxers at him from the floor. Noah looks more confused.

"what?" Noah asks.

"put them on, come on." Mirage murmurs. Noah shrugs a little and pulls them on. Mirage immediately scoops him up and throws him onto his back, climbing out the window happily.

"what are you doing?" Noah asks, confused.

"we're going to the garage." Mirage says, climbing down the fire escape.

"'Raj, I'm mostly naked-" Noah starts.

"thats okay, no one will see you." Mirage assures, setting him down.

"I don't have shoes on." Noah frowns. Mirage pauses and picks him back up, putting him back on the fire escape.

"stand there." Mirage says. Noah watches him confused as he returns to his full height. he scoops the man back up gently and smiles.

"Mirage what-" Noah tries.

"shhh." Mirage smiles, transforming around him carefully. "come on." Mirage murmurs softly, throwing a seatbelt around him gently.

"'Raj... what are you doing?" Noah asks.

"you're coming with me. we're going to the garage you don't wannt be alone." Mirage murmurs softly. Noah looks at the radio.

"I'm okay Mirage. it's okay-" Noah tries.

"shhhhh, don't worry babe, y'boys gotchu." Mirage assures gently. Noah goes quiet, letting Mirage drive him to the garage.

Noahs silent the rest of the trip, he doesn't make a sound until Mirage transforms and puts him down.

"Raj-" Noah tries.

"whens the last time you ate Noah?" Mirage frowns.

"I dunno, yesterday?" Noah mumbles.

"go get one of those frozen meals and eat it. then we can curl up." Mirage smiles. Noah frowns, looking at his bare feet.

"I don't even have shoes on." Noah mumbles.

"the garage is clean. its alright." Mirage assures. Noah sighs softly and heads for the small fridge and microwave.

Mirage waits until Noahs grabbed his food from the microwave, before picking him up. he settles the man in his lap gently while he's eating.

"if you're lonely Noah, you're always welcome here... I know I can't hold up my other forms that long and thats disappointing to you, but I love holding onto you and I'm here for you." Mirage says softly, kissing his head. Noah cuddles into him, eating his food.

"I just.. I dunno. I feel like I'm intruding and you don't want me in your space 'Raj. I mean-" Noah starts.

"are you kidding? I know you like to call the garage my space but, I need you in my life. I need you in this garage. I need you Noah. I need you in my space." Mirage murmurs, squeezing him gently. "you're never intruding. infact, I'm sad when you leave. been alone a long time." Mirage adds softly. Noah shifts some, cuddling into him quietly as he finishes his food. Mirage lets him up to throw his trash away. Noah wonders over to the trash can and dumps his trash in the can, before turning to Mirage.

"I just... I dunno." Noah murmurs. Mirage frowns and grabs him, laying back on the garage floor. he lays Noah on his chest gently, before putting an arm behind his head. the other lays over Noah carefully. Noah rolls over and looks at Mirage.

"you're always welcome here. I like it when you're here and a lot of the time when you're not, and I'm not on missions, I'm in your apartment, in your room." Mirage murmurs. "I can't hold those forms very long so I usually have to come and go, so I like it when you're here. I love it when you're here. I love you. I love spending time with you. I love watching movies with you, taking random rides around, cuddling. the interfacing is nice too, but its not all about that. we can... we just... we work together. so easily." Mirage murmurs. "I love you." Mirage says softly.

"I love you too 'Raj... thanks." Noah murmurs, smiling at him. Mirage smiles at him. and holds him gently, kissing his head.

the two lay there quietly, even after Noah falls asleep. Mirage refuses to move and wake the man, content to lay in the floor the rest of the night if it makes his partner feel better.

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