Her guardian angel.

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Josh's P.O.V.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Avery I'm you're guardian angel." I said again.

"W-What!? H-How?" She asked pushing me away.

"Do you remember me?" I asked. Please say yes.

"No." With that I kissed her lips.


"Avery!" The 13 year old boy yelled.

"Josh!" The little yelled running after him.

"Avery yours so pretty." Josh said blushing.

"Chase me josh!!!" She yelled in a high

Pitch voice as Josh chased her around.

"Josh it's time to go." His mother yelled.

"Bye Avery. I love you." Josh said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye josh!" Avery yelled waving bye.

(Later that night)

"Avery..." Her mother came in crying.

"Mommy what's wrong?" Avery asked.

"Baby you're friend Josh died." She said. Avery's eyes watered up as the news hit her. Her best friend, first love and only love was gone.

"No he's not mommy." Avery stated.

"What do you mean sweetheart." Her mom asked confused.

"He's right there!" Avery yelled pointing at the edge of her bed. The little girl was looking at her love. He was wearing a golden halo and wings. Josh pressed his finger to his lips.

"But it's a secret mommy."

--------------- end of flash back----------

"J-Josh?" Avery cried wrapping her arms around he childhood love and best friend.

"I know Avery." I mumbled into her hair.

"But how are you here!?"she sobbed.

"God have me a chance. He gave me a chance to be with you and to protect you. Avery I never stopped loving you." I told her as tears started falling down my face.

"Josh... I thought you were gone." She cried softly. I watched as Avery got up and went to the closet pulling out a box. She walked back over to me and handed me a large envelope.

"What's this?" I asked confused.

"Open it." So I did what she asked. Inside the envelope was letters to me. Then a picture. It was Avery and I kissing each other the night I died.

"I wrote to you." She smiled wiping away the tears.

"I love you Josh" she whispered.

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