A letter of love

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Josh's P.O.V.

The sun seeped through the red curtains and into Avery's room. The sun lay gently on her cheek. Oh how beautiful she's gotten. She still loves me. I will always love her. I leaned down and kissed her soft pink lips and slid out of bed hoping not to wake her up. Reaching into the envelope I grabbed one of the letters, sat down and began to read.

(One of Avery's letters to Josh.)

Dear Josh.

Hey. It's been 5 years since you're death and I can't stop thinking about what it would be like if you were still here. We were so young, yet so in love. How could you just leave me like that? God took you away from me and I will never forgive him.

You were my other half. What happened to forever? And getting married after high school!? I'm sitting here at you're grave I placed the flowers that you use to pick for me.

I visit you every Monday and I'm ways stuck talking to myself. I feel so lost without you here. In my heart you're still here. 5 years Josh! I've been alone for 5 years. Oh how I wish you'd come back and hold me once more. I love you Josh.

You're love,


Tears filled my eyes. She felt so alone without me. It was my fault. I'm the reason she was so lost and depressed. If only I didn't run into the street.


"Joshua it's time to come in honey, dinners done!" My mom yelled at me

"Okay mum." I yelled back running after my ball across the street to grab my ball.

"Joshua come on!" My mom yelled standing on the porch.

"I'm coming mum!" I yelled slowly walking across the floor. I looked up just in time to see two headlights only inches away.

"JOSH!!!" My mom screamed. After that everything went black. A bright light was in front of me and I walked forward.

"Where am I?" I asked looking at the large golden gate in front of me.

"Josh, my child, you're in heaven." A tall man in white told me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"God?" I asked.

"Yes, son." He replied.

"Sir? May I see my friend Avery one last time?" I asked, with a simple nod I ended up on Avery's bed. She sat there looking at me.

"Josh you're not dead." She said. Avery was so innocent and small.

"Avery, I am. I love you Av. Don't forget that." I hugged her and waved goodbye for the last time.

----------End Of FlashBack-------------

"Josh?" I looked up to see Avery standing in front of me.

"Av..." She wrapped her arms around me and held me as I cried.

I never want to leave her again, she is my life. I held her back and just for that moment we sat there holding each other never wanting to let go.

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