𝐈𝐈𝐈 , 𝗌𝗁𝖾.

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KEVIN GROANED AS THE SUNLIGHT beamed through his blinds, he covered his face with his hand and sat up, he knew he'd definitely missed his first class since it was too bright out, kevin shrugged it off and hopped out of bed, he knew arion was hogging the bathroom, that was the main thing he hated about being arion's roomie, he'd use all the hot water and then wonder why kevin had a stank attitude ( literally ) — kevin searched the room for the pants that he had on last night, once he found them he slid them on and then grabbed a new change of clothes, he found his dry towel and exited his dorm.

he figured since he'd be spending most of his day with jarad anyways that he might as well go over to his dorm early to get their day started, after a twenty minute walk he made it to jarad's dorm, he knocked on the door a few times and waited patiently for him to come to the door, after a good minute or so there stood jarad looking like he'd had the roughest night of his life, the darkskin stepped aside without asking any questions "cam in there right now, he should be out soon." mumbled jarad as he made his way over to the bed, he flopped down and within seconds — snoring could be heard.

kevin chuckled and closed the door before walking further into the room, he groaned as he'd forgotten to bring his phone, he than began to look through jarad's things since he had nothing better to do, after finding nothing interesting in his dressers he walked into the dining area and just as he was about to raid the mini fridge, camrin popped out the bathroom "i feel like a new man!" exclaimed camrin, his hands placed on his hips as he exited the bathroom "you should, ya yellow ass was in there for about an hour." grumbled kevin "nigga this isn't even yo crib? i swear lightskins just wake up angry." muttered camrin, kevin squinted and shook his head before grabbing his shit and walking into the bathroom.

he began to undress from head to toe, once he was fully naked he looked in the mirror and flexed for a bit before shrugging, he bagged his leg up then got into the shower.

— time skip.

twenty minutes later and they were making their way back to kevin's dorm since they wanted to grab arion before heading out, when they made it to kevin's room he pushed the door open and the group walked inside "hm?" hummed arion as he looked up from his phone "jarad!" smiled arion, hoping up from his spot on the bed to embrace his friend in a hug "y'all lucky it's pride month." grimaced kevin while walking towards his dresser, he grabbed his phone and found his crocs since he'd been walking about the building with nothing but socks on.

"the kick back at my momma house so we should get going since it's at least an hours' drive away." stated jarad as he pulled out the hug, the group nodded "when are we gonna get to eat though, i'm starving." whined camrin as they exited the dorm "calm down cheddar, by the time we get there my mom will have the table set for us." spoke jarad, licking his lips at the thought "haha he told yo big husky ass to calm down." giggled kevin, covering his mouth as he entered the elevator "at least i eat good, you look malnourished." clapped back camrin "whatever gay boy."

as they left the elevator and made it to jarad's car kevin couldn't help but let his mind wander off to tyana and that pretty face and perfect body she had, to say he was giddy to meet her would be an understatement.

time skip.

they'd arrived just a little over an hour ago, it was still pretty early so kevin didn't really mind "ma, this food mad good." said kevin will a mouth full of food, jarad's mother thanked the boy and chuckled as she watched the four boys devour their food like they'd never eaten before "alrighty well i'm heading out, clean up when your little shindig is done." and with that the woman was gone, leaving the four boys by themselves — once they finished eating, jarad made a list of things they'd need and gave them the money, only camrin and arion went, kevin stayed back and helped jarad straighten up the kitchen along with a couple other things.

not long after they'd cleaned up people started to show up, camrin and arion being some of those people, kevin sat on the couch, he was mainly on his phone since everyone else was doing their own thing, oh how badly he wished he could get in jarad's pool, he honestly didn't feel like wrapping his leg up with all type of plastic wraps and bags so he let it be and enjoyed his time by himself for a while.

after about thirty minutes jarad was walking over to kevin with the girl he'd showed him yesterday "T dis my homeboy kevin, kevin this is tyana." smiled jarad, the hispanic girl waved, kevin waved back and stood up "y'all should go for a lor walk, get away from all this loud shit so y'all can talk." jarad patted kevin on the back then walked away, going back to whatever he was doing before, kevin and tyana took jarad's advice and decided to leave his mom's home since the music was blasting.

"do you go to the same college as jare?" asked kevin, he looked over at tyana, she wasn't paying kevin that much attention it seemed like she was texting somebody "mhm, i'm guessing you go to braxton too?" muttered tyana, looking up at kevin for a moment before going back to what she was doing on her phone "i do! what's your major? mine is finance cause i love money." laughed kevin, he let out another nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his head, his face was slowly growing red as he became embarrassed.

"i'm sorry kelvin, i was distracted what'd you say?" said tyana, she finally turned off her phone and shoved it into her purse "i wanted to know what's your major." smiled kevin, he was trying his best to remain positive but he was beyond embarrassed "and it's kevin, not kelvin, no harm done though it's an honest mistake." voiced kevin, rubbing the back of his neck "dental hygienist." spoke tyana, she opened her mouth to say something else but as she did a car rolled up beside them.

"who's he?" asked the man inside the car "one of jarads' buddies." uttered tyana "oh ight, ain't his house this way? you wanna ride back?" asked the man, focusing all his attention on tyana as if kevin was invisible "sure! my legs are starting to get sore anyways, i'll see you back at the house kelvin!" smiled tyana as she got in the passenger side of the car and soon enough tyana and the man were rolling up the street back to jarads' house.

kevin stood there with a confused look, his face red as a tomato at this point "oh my god." whined kevin, putting his hands over his face, he stood there for another ten minutes before getting the courage to go back to jarad's house.

time skip.

"so she called you kelvin not once, but TWICE?!" laughed camrin as he kicked his legs in the air, the other three laughed at kevin's misfortune causing him to groan "and then that's not even the worse part, she left you to walk back to jarad's house!" added arion, sticking his tongue out as he let a laugh escape his lips, kevin scoffed and stood up from the middle of the floor "it's not fucking funny, arion you can sleep with these two batty boys tonight since everything such a fucking game to you." exclaimed kevin, he snatched up his phone then left jarad's dorm.

that was genuinely one of the most embarrassing things to happen to kevin, but even after all that he still wanted tyana, he really wanted to know more about her so when he made it to his dorm he looked her up on damn near every social media platform, luckily for kevin her username was the same for basically every app, he scrolled through her pictures, most of them were her and the dude she'd driven off with — it made him sick to see how happy she was with him "that should be me.." mumbled kevin as he clicked off her account.

kevin then proceeded to scroll through her mother's facebook, looking through her baby pictures to her awkward pre-teen pictures, he would learn more about tyana one way or another

— author here.
excuse & ignore any mistakes
i feel bad for kay kay 😞
1499 words

𝐒𝐇𝐄 , 𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now