𝐗𝐕 , 𝗌𝗁𝖾.

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𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 of basketball, They made the decision to go out to eat, but first they had to go back to Braxton because they were so stinky that tyana nearly passed out on the ride back to their college. Kevin took the first shower because he knew Arion would take all day in the bathroom, when he got out he dressed simply in sweats and a white t-shirt "dont take all day." Kevin muttered as he came out of the restroom, Arion held his middle fingers up and went in, Kevin put his soiled clothes in the hamper and collapsed on his bed.

Kevin grabbed his phone off the charger and began to scroll aimlessly through instagram, anything to pass the time. About ten minutes later he got a text and as he read it his stomach began to turn "sorry kev, one of my coworkers wanted to hang and i'd feel bad saying no cause he's new." Kevin squinted "he?" He muttered outloud, kevin stared at the text before typing a short message "it's cool, have fun." Read the text, he honestly didn't know what else to say — he didn't know if the text came off as upset but he hoped it did so tyana could feel bad for bailing on him.

As Arion left the restroom, Kevin sighed heavily. He wouldnt even be able to enjoy his meal because he would be thinking about Tyana and her coworker. He wondered what they were going to do together since she kept it pretty vague and he couldnt even ask because he wasnt her nigga. Yes, they had sex and had been fairly intimate since, but sadly for Kevin, they still had no official title other than friends.

Maybe he'd ask her tonight, it honestly depended on how he felt after dinner. As he was about to put his phone on do not disturb he received another text "i really am sorry kev, i'll make it up to you ;)" Kevin liked the message, grinned, and then put his phone on DnD. He would surely inquire later.

Since they'd both finished showering they decided to make their way to their friends dorm, camrin unfortunately was still in the bathroom when they arrived but he wasn't even showering "his shitty ass." Spoke arion; smacking his lips, kevin laughed and laid down on camrin's bed "stop talkin bout me!" Shouted camrin from the bathroom.

time skip.

"Ooh this mad fancy, who payin fa this?" Asked arion as he scooted into the booth "nigga we dining and dashing, we're broke college students." Chuckled camrin while emphasizing on the broke part "who broke?" Asked kevin, raising his eyebrow while sitting next to camrin "him, him, you, me." Laughed camrin, arion giggled and shook his head "you swear you rich nigga, i'm broke but we can go band for band right now i bet i win." Spoke arion pulling out his wallet, kevin smacked his lips and threw his wallet on the table.

"Nah they having a broke off." Screeched camrin, holding his mouth as he laughed into his hands — he sat there laughing for a solid four minutes while the other three stared at him, he wiped his tears away and held his stomach "oh my god im so funny." Giggled camrin while picking up the menu, the others rolled their eyes and began to look through their menus as well.

Kevin got a crème brûlée, steak and salad, camrin got lamb chops with mashed potatoes and asparagus on the side, arion had stuffed chicken breast and jarad had a t-bone steak with yellow rice on the side — the group barely talked as they chowed down, the food was so good kevin's toes were curling up in his shoes "man, this shit delicious." Groaned camrin, his potatos going flying onto arion and jarad's face as he talked with a mouth full of food.

"Nigga." Scoffed jarad, wiping the potatoes off his forehead "he speaks!" Yelled camrin, kevin elbowed him and shh'ed him "this is why we can never go anywhere nice." Sighed arion, camrin giggled and continued to stuff his face — once they'd finished eating they called the waitress over "yo can we get some to go boxes?" Asked kevin, the woman looked at their plates and squinted "there's.. nothing there." Spoke the woman, scratching her head.

"Girl bye, i know you see that rice." Scoffed arion pointing to the scattered rice on jarad's plate, she scoffed and walked away, when she disappeared the group got up as fast as they could and exited the restaurant, kevin always seemed to be doing something illegal while already having limited freedom.

— time skip.

As they returned to their college, kevin decided to text tyana and see if she was still busy; it had been a couple hours so he was hoping her coworker was gone by now, he said his goodbye to his friends and waited on the first floor for her response she said she was free and that he could come see her — he hopped around and walked towards the elevator.

He pressed her floor number and waited patiently for the elevator to come to a stop, when it did, kevin quickly made his way to her dorm — he knocked and almost instantly she opened the door like she'd been waiting right next to the door for kevin, "how was dinner?" Asked tyana; closing the door behind him as he came in, kevin shrugged and sat down on her bed "that shit was mid." Laughed kevin, tyana chuckled and accompanied kevin on her bed.

"What you and ole dude do?" Asked kevin, tyana huffed and climbed on his lap "can we focus on us?" Asked tyana placing her hands on his chest, kevin furrowed his eyebrows, her hair was down now so he grabbed a hand full of her hair and pulled her head back causing her to let out a small whine "why you hiding shit." Mumbled kevin, wrapping his other hand around her waist, he grabbed her hair tighter and licked his lips.

"Fuck, all we did was watch movies." Groaned tyana, her nails slightly digging into his chest, he hummed and let go of her hair "what are we?" Asked kevin just seconds later "friends, i don't think i'm really ready to date right now." Expressed tyana "i still have dreams about daniel, i don't think i could move on so fast, relationship wise." Continued the girl, Kevin nodded and she moved off of him "i'm kinda tired, wanna spend the night?" Asked tyana, a big smile on her face.

Kevin chuckled and nodded, the two got comfortable in bed and tyana turned on a show and they watched it until they fell asleep.

Excuse mistakes
1130 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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𝐒𝐇𝐄 , 𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now