𝐈𝐕 , 𝗌𝗁𝖾.

940 28 77

KEVIN HADNT GOTTEN AN ounce of sleep, everytime he tried to turn his computer off and go to bed, he'd find another account to stalk and although he hated seeing tyana with another man, he stalked her boyfriends' account — it was weird though, he didn't post her, talk about her or even have as much as a highlight up for the beautiful woman, from the looks of her boyfriends' account you'd think he was single, while tyana on the other hand, posted about her boyfriend every other day

kevin rubbed his eyes as he continued to scroll through his following list "damn." mumbled kevin, he didn't even follow her, kevin shook his head at the sad scene and clicked off the male's account, he went back to tyana's page and smiled as he saw she'd posted something on her story, she didn't know kevin's instagram so honestly he'd done all his stalking from his main account, he only watched tyana's story though, not wanting to risk being called out for watching her friends and families stories.

he clicked on the story and it was a picture of her schedule, he furrowed his eyebrows as there were no words to go with the picture, nonetheless he picked up his phone to take a photo of the schedule he clicked off her story only for a new story to pop up almost immediately, he nibbled on his lip and tapped on the story "<< my bad guys, that was an accident, pls ignore it." read the story, kevin chuckled and finally closed his computer.

he got out of bed and checked the time on his phone. since arion was still in harad's dorm, he was free to take a nice hot shower, so he did just that. after drying off, he then started getting ready.

once dressed, he pulled out his phone and looked back at the picture of tyana's schedule, her first course was all the way on the other side of the building "fuck it." voiced kevin, he found some shoes to wear and grabbed his key then left his dorm, despite finding running extremely embarrassing, he would do anything to see tyana, so he started to run down the hall and towards the elevator. he wanted to get there before her so he could find somewhere to hide, he wanted to hide in plain sight.

he also kinda wanted to see who she conversed with it occurred to him that if he learned who she was friends with, he might be able to join their circle ultimately becoming closer with tyana, he smiled at the idea — he couldn't believe he'd missed two days worth of courses to stalk somebody "it's not stalking kev." uttered kevin, he looked around to see if anybody else heard him then began to look for tyana's course number.

he slid into the class after finding the course number and exhaled in relief when he saw that tyana wasn't there. he then found a seat and waited patiently for tyana, after waiting for some time, he became aware of how creepy he was being just to hang out with someone who couldn't even get his name right "get a grip kevin." hummed the man, he got up from the seat and exited the class "i gotta call my fucking therapist." spoke kevin, he pulled out his phone to check the time and he still had enough time to make it to his course.

as he started to walk away he heard that familiar voice "kelvin?" spoke tyana, kevin paused in his tracks and looked over his shoulder, she skipped over to the male and embraced him in a hug, kevin tensed up and gripped onto the side of his pants, tyana pulled out the hug and sent kevin a big smile to which he returned "what're you doing all the way over here? aren't your classes over there?" asked tyana, pointing towards the opposite direction.

kevin felt a blush creep on his face "you remember.. my major?" asked kevin "of course silly! finance right?!" spoke tyana, trying to confirm that his major was indeed finance "yeah.." chuckled kevin, he looked down at his feet before looking back at tyana "i uh, i took the wrong elevator, that's how i ended up over here." lied kevin, tyana nodded and glanced behind kevin to look at her friends "well, i gotta go but it was nice chatting kelvin, i'll get your instagram from jarad." she gave kevin one last hug before walking off.

kevin just stood there not knowing what to do with his self, he looked down at his pants and groaned once he realized he was hard, he covered his boner with his shirt as best as he could and waddled all the way back to his dorm.

time skip.

kevin stood over the toilet with his eyes closed tightly, as he began to jerk himself off his mind drifted to tyana — how perfect and pretty her breasts looked through her shirt, the way her ass moved effortlessly with each step and most of all that pretty face of hers, he needed her to be his and he needed it badly "fuck ty." grunted kevin, he felt his dick twitch in his hand and began to thrust faster into his hand, acting as if he was fucking tyana.

with a couple more thrusts he released into the toilet, kevin opened his eyes and breathed heavily as he let his dick go, he flushed the toilet then pulled his pants back up, he went to wash his hands then looked at the time for what felt like the millionth time today, not much time had passed since he left tyana's class so he was still good to go to his courses, so that's just what he did.

— author here 😊
he genuinely needs to dial his therapists' number
this just a lil sum i threw together
so excuse & ignore any mistakes
995 words.

𝐒𝐇𝐄 , 𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now