𝐗𝐈 , 𝗌𝗁𝖾.

685 16 63

"YO, TYANA'S HERE AND she's crying like crazy." spoke arion, looking over at the girl who was now red in the face "she keeps asking for you." continued arion, kevin sat up with quickness, he rubbed his eyes and as soon as he stood up tyana was running over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist — she buried her face into his chest and sobbed harder.

arion scratched his neck and sighed "i'll be at jarads." spoke the man, he grabbed his phone then exited their dorm; leaving kevin and tyana alone, kevin caressed tyana's hair before lifting her face up so that she was looking at him "what's wrong?" asked the boy "d-daniel got stabbed last night." stuttered tyana, her breathing uneasy, all she wanted right now was to be held. kevin kept silent and met eyes with her before pushing her head to his chest again.

for thirty minutes the two stood there, tyana crying into his chest while he let her do so; he'd talk when she was ready to talk. he was just happy that she felt comfortable enough to come to him and even though he was the one who terminated her boyfriend he had absolutely no problem being there for her during this hard time.

after another five minutes had passed tyana finally got the courage to pull out the hug, she sat on kevin's bed and he followed suit — "and i found out that precious wasn't his cousin, they were fucking he literally died while they were having sex." sniffled tyana, kevin pouted and laid his head on top of hers "he was falling out of love wit me." tyana spoke, her voice cracking "you're gonna make yourself upset again, stop it." mumbled kevin "try to think about to good times y'all had."

"it's so hard kev, i knew it was happening, we barely did anything together anymore and then precious popped up and it was just.. it was a lot." huffed tyana, kevin moved his head and softly gripped her jaw; making her look at him. "i'm here for you, ight, whatever you need, i gotchu." spoke kevin, tyana nodded and uttered a small thank you — the two stared at eachother for a moment before kevin let go of her face "honestly, i could just use some company right now; this would be the worst time to be alone." tyana muttered, kevin hummed and stood up.

"i'll be right back though, i gotta brush my teeth and shit." voiced kevin, tyana scratched her leg before asking her question "can i come with you?" asked the girl, kevin tilted his head and chuckled "let me piss first and i'll come back to get you.

time skip.

two hours later, tyana was still sound asleep while kevin watched youtube on his phone. kevin patted his stomach as he listened to it growl and then got out of bed since he was certain she was also hungry. he chose not to put on shoes because he was wearing socks and didn't intend to leave the college. instead, he grabbed his key and left the room, racing down the hall to the elevator before entering it.

after he selected the first floor as soon as the elevator stopped, he went to the cafeteria and selected enough food for the two of them to eat—or, at least, what he hoped would be enough because there was only so much food available. he made his way back up to his dorm and laid the food down once he was inside the room. if it wasn't enough, he would just doordash them some food.

he walked over to his bed and gently shook tyana, her eyes fluttered open and she met kevin's gaze "hm?" she hummed, rubbing her eyes; kevin chuckled "i got us some food." voiced kevin, backing up a bit so she could sit up "it's chow mein and some other stuff."  spoke kevin as he walked back over to the counter, grabbing their food, then making his way over to her. he handed tyana hers and the muffin and drink that he got with it, she thanked him and began to eat — he smiled and started to eat his muffin, if he got dessert he'd always eat it first "you're such a child." giggled tyana as she watched him stuff the muffin into his mouth.

"keep eating like that and you'll end up like camrin." said tyana; slurping up her noodles, kevin looked at her before bursting into laughter — pieces of his muffin flying into the atmosphere, she couldn't help but laugh herself as she watched kevin choke on his muffin. she didn't believe she was that funny but with the way she had kevin hunched over on the bed she was sure she could sign up for stand up comedy.

kevin coughed hard as he swallowed the last bit of his muffin, he gasped for air and shook his head "aye, don't be telling jokes while i'm eating. you almost killed me!" giggled kevin, tyana grinned and bit into her eggroll. as the two engaged in conversation in between chews there was a knock on the door, kevin rolled his eyes and excused his self, he walked over to the door and opened it; revealing jarad, kevin scoffed loudly and exited his room, making sure to close the door behind him.

"don't even say anything cause you'll piss me off and i won't wanna say what i have to say." spoke jarad just as kevin opened his mouth, the lightskin closed his mouth and raised an eyebrow; watching as jarad looked down the hall, kevin looked as well and that's when he saw camrin and arion peeking around the corner like little spys "i'm sorry!" blurted jarad as he looked back at kevin.

"look man, i should've told you what she was on and we wasn't even that close when i introduced y'all two so i definitely ain't know she had a nigga like no funny shit, but still.." ranted jarad, he paused before continuing "i was being a bad friend and i am truly and deeply sorry for that shit, i'm hoping we can rekindle our friendship cause i miss you man." continued jarad, kevin kept silent and stared at the man "she ain't got a nigga no more." spoke kevin, a smirk appearing on his face before quickly disappearing "why is that- never mind, what are you talking about?" asked jarad, genuinely confused.

"she came to me earlier and told me daniel died, he got stabbed up or something." shrugged kevin, they did live in new york so people got stabbed everyday but jarad didn't understand why kevin was so casual about it, yeah they didn't like eachother but the whole thing gave jarad a weird feeling. "did you do it?" whispered jarad, his mouth speaking before his mind could catch up — he covered his mouth and watched as kevin's face when blank "no." simply spoke kevin.

"are you sure?" jarad interrogated him one more time "i'm sure i'd know if i killed him, i'm not that crazy." chuckled kevin "silly boy." added kevin, jarad furrowed his eyebrows and took a step back "alright kev.. i'll uh.. i'll catch up with you later." smiled jarad, kevin nodded and dapped jarad up — seconds after that jarad scurried down the hall, jarad knew what kevin was capable of and even though kevin was one of his bestfriends he wanted to get to the bottom of things.

ignore mistakes
jarad mind your beez wax
1264 words !

𝐒𝐇𝐄 , 𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now