Chapter 5

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Danielle looked away from Haerin, now. She knew that her eyes had done their job, had shown their sincerity, and nervousness soon ensued. Haerin did not know what to say, wanted to believe it, but still couldn't not yet.

"Is this your response, Haerin? Nothing?" Danielle asked.

"No, it's not."

"Then what?"

"It's just that, I don't think you like me."

"Haerin, I -

"Danielle, you don't like me, you can't!"

"Why not, Haerin? What are you talking about?" Danielle was getting heated at this point, was beginning to lose her temper. Haerin was thinking, about to speak.

How can I reach you if we're in two different worlds?

"I-It's just that, you can't. I don't think it's possible. I can't really believe it."

"How do you feel about me, Haerin?"

"I - uh..."

Haerin paused, for just a little too long, testing Danielle's patience for just a little too long.

"What?!?" cried Danielle.

"I don't know, Danielle! I don't know if I'm right for you."

Danielle cried out in indignation, in disbelief. She looked around the room, trying to divert her anger, but it would not leave.

She looked back at Haerin, looked into her eyes and tried to read her thoughts she wondered if she stared hard enough, if she would be about to see what Haerin was feeling after all, it was almost impossible to hide love.

Danielle caught a glimpse of what she wanted to see, and still heated, came closer to Haerin. Danielle backed up slightly, as a reactive instinct, but did not go far enough.

Danielle grabbed Haerin's shirt collar and kissed her. Haerin's eyes were open at first, then closed for a moment before Danielle pulled away.

That was short..., Haerin thought to herself.

"There." said Danielle, out of breath. "You stole my first kiss." Her cheeks were beginning to show signs of a blush.

Haerin looked at Danielle, now, expression unreadable. Danielle grew afraid.

"What?" she said.

"I don't want it." Haerin replied.

"Huh?" Danielle's look was one of confusion.

"I don't want your first kiss."

"Well, too bad, Haerin, because -

"Here, take it back," said Haerin. And she moved towards Danielle this time, cupping Danielle's face in her hands and placing lips upon lips, eyes closed.

Much better, thought Haerin to herself.

The kiss was sweet, prolonged, even, as Danielle wrapped her arms around Haerin's neck and -

The door opened, and there stood Minji, watching in horror, holding a wrench in one hand and a broken lock in the other.

"What -"  Haerin and Danielle broke apart and looked away from another, embarrassed.

"Minji!" said Haerin. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard yelling, and I thought I should check, so I got the wrench and popped the lock no wait! What do you mean, what am I doing? What are you two doing?!?"

"Listen, Minji, I can explain." started Haerin, and Danielle got up and made for the door. Haerin looked up in alarm and followed her.

"After I take Danielle home," Haerin finished quickly, passing Minji, mouth still agape in shock.


Danielle was walking away quickly from the store, with Haerin running behind to catch up.

"Danielle!" Haerin cried, and Danielle spun around and faced her, walking backwards now.

"Hurry up," she smiled playfully and Haerin gladly obliged, was being dragged along helplessly.

Haerin and Danielle walked side by side, quiet at first, not knowing what to say the first kiss is always best soaked in silence thereafter. Haerin looked shy, while Danielle was smiling brightly to herself clinging on to Haerin's arm and resting her head on Haerin's shoulder while she was walking.

Haerin's hands stayed in her pockets throughout the walk home the silent, silent walk washed them both away, together both thinking about how puzzle pieces could complete each other.

They reached the gate and let themselves in, walking towards the door. They were standing on Danielle's doorstep now, Haerin one step below, not ready to let her go. Danielle tried to pull her hand away only to have Haerin hold on more tightly, clinging on to her and bringing her closer.

"Wait!" said Haerin, shyly, as Danielle smiled looking up at her.


"What does this mean?" Haerin asked.

"What are you talking about, Haerin?"

"D-Does this mean, um, we're d-dating?" Haerin looked away from Danielle's eyes, at the ground, embarrassed.

Danielle approached her, and with her hand, turned her face towards her once again smiling locking eyes so she could see the truth, no longer covered by any defenses.

They stayed locked in opposing, defenseless, helpless gazes for a short, short while, before Danielle leaned in and kissed Haerin sweetly. This time, neither of them were thinking anything at all only silence.

They broke apart and Danielle smiled, turned away and entered her home, with Haerin still watching until the door finally closed.

No sigh, no heave, no groan, as Haerin turned away and walked but she was not walking away at all, was being dragged helplessly, ever so helplessly, back to Danielle. Haerin's walk back to the dairy was quiet, as she closed her eyes and soaked in the kiss.

Nothing like the silence to drown in all memories of sound.


Haerin caught Minji just as she was walking out of the dairy.

"Minji! Wait!" She spun around, and smiled.

"Oh, Hi Haerin!" Haerin was wondering why she could still be smiling, if she was hiding the hurt behind the smile.

"Are you alright, Minji?"

"Huh? I was healed for a few days now, Haerin, are you okay? Is it memory loss? Something in your milk? Something in the food? Maybe -

"No, it's not that," Haerin said, flabbergasted.

"Then what?"

" You aren't mad at me?"

"Huh? About what?" Haerin was amazed in a not so amazing way.

"About... Danielle?"

"Oh yeah, her." Minji looked down.

"Look, Minji, I'm sorry, it just happened and I couldn't do anything -

"She keeps bothering me!" cried Minji indignantly, looking back up.


"She's always asking me about you, and I swear I don't mind, but she always interrupts me when I'm speaking," she groaned and continued, "I don't like it when I get interrupted! Especially when its them that ask me something! Obviously, I have something they ought to listen to!" Minji felt a small wave of relief wash over her.

" don't like her anymore?" she asked.

"What? Oh, Haerin, that was last week! And I was sick. I wasn't right in the head-I have someone else now." Haerin raised her eyebrows and looked Minji.

Wow, that was quick, she thought to herself. Minji began to ramble.

"Oh my goodness, this new girl, her name -

Haerin was not listening anymore, only relaxing in her thoughts, relieved and content.

It was a good day to be alive.

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