Chapter 8

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The dawn cracked, and open shot Haerin's eyes. She was about to rise when she realized there was a weight across her chest Danielle. She glanced at Danielle's face, lovingly, and smiled.

What a nice morning. What a nice night.

Haerin thought about last night for a moment the most memorable night of her life to date even now she could remember every touch and feel, every emotion and yet, it had passed much too quickly for her.

She closed her eyes for several moments to experience it all again in her mind, to replay some of the drowning she had felt yesterday on a level she had never felt before she could recall the burning, lingering touch of Danielle's fingertips, could feel the blood pounding to her head all over again when she remembered every soft caress she was drowning in ecstasy, by mere thought of memory and silence of sound.

Haerin leaned in softly and kissed Danielle on the forehead sweetly, with the remnants of last night's passion, still seeping through softly, ever so softly.

Danielle made her selfish. Never before did Haerin want something merely for the sake of wanting it, never before did she feel as is she needed something that she had not needed before; she wondered how she had lived before Danielle. It seemed that Danielle dominated her life now and it was perfectly alright.

She was always content, but Danielle left her wanting more that was the emotion seeping through, still. It was an endless flood that threatened to consume them both and it would be perfectly alright. Danielle was already awake, hopeless and helpless. She did not want to move, though she had actually awoken much earlier than Haerin she wanted to remain forever, hoped that Haerin would not budge.

For Danielle, it was a different form of gratification. Until now, she had only known one type of love the love she had with her family. She had been missing for so long the romantic love, eros, that Haerin was not only new, but welcome an attraction that she could not explain, sweet and gentle, taunting her, and fulfilling her in ways before unknown.

She felt Haerin kiss her forehead, and knew that she had to leave now. Danielle let out an audible sigh and Haerin leaned into her ear and whispered.

"Good morning."

It sent a warm shiver down her smile and set a smile upon her face.


They had moved to put their clothes on and were outside now, glancing at the sunrise as they were walking to the fence. They were about to exit the grounds when suddenly Haerin's front door opened.

"Haerin?" called her father, "Who's that you have there?" Haerin and Danielle spun around in surprise.

"Oh, hi dad. Good morning." She smiled nervously while Danielle stood next to her, smiling politely.

"Oh, right." said Haerin as her father looked at Danielle. "This is Danielle. Danielle, this is my father."

"Hi, Danielle how are you?" Haerin's father was smiling cheerfully.

"Good morning, Mr. Kang. I'm great, how are you?"

"Can't complain!" he beamed, "You two will join us for breakfast, right? It would be rude to let a guest leave hungry!"

He chuckled to himself as Danielle looked to Haerin, who shrugged and began to guide her inside.

"Come on in!" Haerin's father bellowed from the front door, motioning them inside. They were sitting down, now, after Danielle had been introduced to Haerin's mother as well.

Haerin's parents seemed to already approve of the couple as they refused any and all help that was offered.

"Oh, Mr. Kang, is there any way I can help -

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