Chapter 13

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Danielle was smiling to herself in the kitchen, as she was toasting bread and preparing several meats and slices of lettuce. She was chopping up a tomato as her mother walked into the kitchen

"Danielle? Dear? Didn't you just have breakfast? What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just making lunch, mom." she responded happily.

"I assume you talked to Haerin?" said her mother knowingly.

"Yeah! How did you know?"

"Your mother knows everything. It's that smile. And I assume that lunch is for Haerin, as well."

"How did you -

"Like I said, I know everything. And you're slicing the tomatoes too big, dear. Here, let
me help you."

"Thanks, mom!"

They smiled happily while making the sandwiches together. It had been a while since Danielle was smiling so brightly.


"Haerin!" said Danielle happily.

"Hi, Danielle. You're back. How are you? What are you hiding behind your back?"

"I'm good, Haerin." she said as she walked up to Haerin. She was standing across the counter when she showed Haerin the lunch box she had been concealing.

"Ta-da! I made you lunch!" Haerin smiled ever so widely.

"Really? Thanks, Danielle." she said while opening the box.

"Sandwiches! They look delicious, Danielle. Thank you!"

"I made two, Haerin. One for me, one for you, and one for later in case you get hungry."

Danielle looked like a 5-year old, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Tell me how it is, Haerin." she said as Haerin was about to take a bite.

"Okay." smiled Haerin. Suddenly, Haerin put the sandwich down.

"Haerin? What's wrong?" asked Danielle.

Haerin was smiling at someone who had just walked in.

"Hey, Jihan. Glad to see you back again."

"Hi, Haerin. Same."

Jihan looked at Danielle, who was eyeing her carefully now.

"Oh, who's this, Haerin?"

"This is Danielle, my girlfriend. Danielle, meet Jihan. She's a friend I met through Minji."

"Hey, Danielle!" said Jihan happily. She did not look the slightest bit disturbed.

"Hi, Jihan." said Danielle. Her tone was formal, verging on hostile.

No, Danielle thought to herself, I'm not going to do this. I trust Haerin.

"So how long have you two been dating?"

"Oh, about one month now." said Haerin.

One month and how many days, Haerin?

"That's right." said Danielle, nodding.

Jihan smirked at Danielle. She could recognize the jealousy almost instantly.

Fine. I'll play nice. For now.

"So what have you been up to, Jihan?" asked Haerin.

Danielle was eyeing the sandwich in Haerin's hand. She still had not taken a bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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