Chapter 9

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The next morning, Danielle was so euphoric that she did not even bother to hide in her room, happily awoke as soon as the sun rose reality was so much better than any dreams she could ask for no need for drowning, now.

"You look cheery this morning." said Danielle's father as she sat down at the dining table.

"I would say so." agreed her mother.

"Oh, I just had a nice night." and she smiled, thinking about her night.

"Will you two be going out today?" asked Danielle.

"Yes, of course, Danielle. We go out every day and invite you but you always say no," her father chuckled,

"Why? Do you want to join us today?"

"Oh, no, I just want to stay in town."

"As usual." said her mother. "Well, you know, the usual. Stay safe. Have fun."

"Oh, I plan on it." smiled Danielle.


Later in the afternoon, as Danielle was just getting ready to walk to Haerin, since she had no car, the doorbell rang. It was Jake, again.

He was holding flowers, again. They weren't lilies, again.

Danielle wanted to let out a loud sigh, but held it back, opening the door wide and greeting Jake.

"Hi Jake, come inside?"

"Sure thing." he said. "How are you? Feeling better?" he continued, as they were walking inside.

"Yes, I'm feeling much better." she said, with emphasis on the "much" and a small smirk on her face.

Jake was unsettled, yet again, by the suggestiveness hidden in her words. He raised his eyebrows, but shook it off and continued to speak to Danielle was they were sitting down in the living room.

"I brought you flowers." he said. "again." And he smiled it was a smile full of hope and expectation.

"Oh, that's sweet of you, Jake. Thank you."

"No problem, none at all. It's my pleasure."

"That's sweet of you, thanks."

"So, I was wondering." he said. "We've been talking for a while now, right?"

"Yeah, we have."

"I was also wondering...if we could hang out somewhere besides your house sometime?"

What's wrong with my house?

"Um, what do you mean?"

"I meant, would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime?"

He was apprehensive, and on the edge of many possible emotions her response would push him one way or the other.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jake. Thank you for the invitation, but I'm...just not interested."

Jake's hopes and expectations were being crushed, now anger and bitterness shining through.

"Do you mean you're not interested, or do you have someone else?"

Danielle was caught off guard, mouth open in shock for a second before she regained her composure.

"I -"

She opened her mouth only to close it again.

Why should I have to hide? She opened her mouth and spoke this time, saying.

"Yes, I do. I have someone else. I'm in love with this person, and we're dating. Does that answer your question?" Jake chuckled bitterly.

"Yeah." he said under his breath, "It's that milk girl." It was just barely audible to Danielle, and her temper rose in indignation.

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