Chapter 6

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Crack of dawn, awaken and rise. Soon Haerin walked into the dairy, again, only to run into a hyper Minji.

"Haerin! Haerin! Haerin!" She yelled from behind the counter, practically jumping up and down.

"Hey Minji! Good morning."

She was all smiles today. Haerin continued to the storage room as Minji followed alongside, still yelping uncontrollably.

"Haerin! Haerin!"

"Yes, Minji?" She was still walking, still smiling subtly to herself.

"Did you hear about the party tonight? The ball, or dance, sort of thing, and I'm sure you'll be invited!"

"What? How would I be invited if I didn't even hear about it until right now? That's -

"Danielle's parents are hosting it, Haerin! I'm sure she'll invite you! Oh boy, you've got connections now, Minji!"

"Really?" Haerin said, smiling. Minji continued on.

"Oh my God, Haerin! I'm so jealous! I'm sure there will be plenty of pretty girls there, just floating around -

"I thought you liked that other girl?" asked Haerin quizzically.

"Haerin! That was yesterday, try to follow along, will you? Jeez! Anyway..."

Haerin rolled her eyes as she and Minji walked to the front of the dairy again, preparing for their daily rounds.

"...and I wonder what food they'll have there, Haerin! You must tell me all about it tomorrow, okay? Okay. Good. I'm glad that's -

"First off, Minji, I'm not even invited yet. Second, can I have one of your rounds? Just the one on Mason Drive."


"Minji, don't ask and just do it, please."

"Fine, fine. Tell me about it later?"

"Of course, now gimme!" Haerin said, while playfully snatching away Danielle's delivery.


Haerin had saved Danielle's package for last, as usual, so she could have nothing but Danielle to look forward to during her day. The path was always marked with silence and thoughts and memories, for Haerin to soak in while walking.

She reached the gate and opened it slowly, ever so slowly, trying not to rush, trying to savor every drop of anticipation she would have before she saw Danielle again.

Danielle was already sitting on the porch, waiting for Haerin today, smiling brightly from across the courtyard. Haerin ran, could not help it, smiling the entire way.

She stopped when she reached Danielle, awkwardly, now not knowing what to do. All she could do was smile and stand.

"Hi. " Haerin started, "I brought the milk." Danielle was giggling.

"I see," she chuckled, "how are you?"

"I'm great!" replied Haerin, a little too enthusiastically, with a wide smile.

So cute, thought Danielle to herself.

"What about you?" asked Haerin.

"Same. I wanted to talk to you about something. Will you sit?" she said, pointing to a chair next to hers.

"Sure," Haerin replied, and placed the milk bottles down, then sitting next to Danielle.

"What is it?" asked Haerin.

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