Chapter 11

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Well." said Mr. Marsh, looking at his wife from across the room. "That was unexpected."

She did not respond, only opening her mouth to speak, pausing, and then closing it again.

"Let's talk about this dear, what shall we do?" he coaxed gently.

"I don't know," she finally said. "My mind tells me one thing but my conscience says something else."

"All possible solutions will have a downside." he said, "We just need to think -

"We need to talk to Danielle." she replied. "As soon as she comes home. We are going to wait here until she comes home and have a nice, long talk with her. We haven't done that in a while."

"Alright, dear. We'll wait at home today."

He smiled reassuringly at his wife as she returned a weak smile.


"Haerin." said Danielle softly, hugging her from behind. "When is your break over?"

"It already ended, Danielle. I really need to get back to work. I'm sorry."

"Fine." Danielle sighed."I'll visit you later, at night, alright?"

"Okay." said Haerin, spinning around to face her, "I'll be waiting."

And they shared a sweet kiss, then a loving smile.


Danielle was walking home now, as the sun was beginning to set. She was walking slowly, smiling to herself and looking all around. Never before had she noticed just how beautiful the town was; the scenery was suddenly much more vivid, much more alive.

She closed her eyes and took a huge breath of air, spinning around in joy as she went along, but was caught by surprise when the sound of a speeding car approached.

She leapt to the side, just in case, as the car sped on by. She thought she recognized the driver and the car, but could not be sure - it had been moving too fast.

She shrugged off her thoughts and continued on walking home - was all smiles.


Danielle opened the door softly and said.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home."

"Danielle? Come into the sitting room, dear. Your father and I want to have a talk with you."

"Okay." she said, thinking nothing of the request.

She entered and sat down across from her parents, who were sitting side by side, on the couch. Danielle herself was in an armchair, sitting up politely.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Danielle." began her father. "Your mother and I have heard some surprising news lately. I use that word with reservation because I am not sure which word to use. It concerns you. Would you happen to know what I am talking about?"

Danielle's mind was beginning to swarm with images with Haerin, and her heart was beginning to pound in fear.

"N-No." she stammered.

"Where were you just now?" her mother asked.

"I told you, I was with a friend."

"A friend? Just a friend? No one special?"

"Mom, dad, I don't know where you're going with this, but -

Danielle had been preparing to confess when her mother cut her off.

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